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Speiger edited this page Aug 19, 2022 · 2 revisions

This is the FAQ or Frequently asked questions.
It is basically a self help section

  • Question: Forge or Fabric?
    Answer: This mod uses the Forge API, there is no Fabric Release done or planned at this moment, this might change later down the line if the Default API supports what I need.

  • Question: How to start a simple pregeneration?
    Answer 1.12 or older: /pregen gen startradius square 0 0 100 (Or look into command information)
    Answer 1.16 or newer: /pregen start gen radius Name SQUARE 0 0 100 (Or look into command information)

  • Question: Can I stop the pregeneration at any point and play and then continue pregenerating later?
    Answer: Yes you can. Chunk Pregenerator is able to continue at any point with its pregeneration or start a new pregeneration to expand on. It simpliy checks on task generation what has been already generated and removes already generated chunks from its todolist.

  • Question: How do i start a Benchmark?
    Answer: /pregen start benchmark start

  • Question: Is this a Server Tool or is this usable for Single-Player.
    Answer: Yes. You can use this on a Server without requiring it on the client, it has client optional Features if the Client has it installed but it is not a requirement.
    Answer2: Yes you can use it in Single-Player but you need Cheats enabled to use it.

  • Question: Why is TimePerTick no longer there?
    Answer: In 1.14.4 or newer WorldGeneration no longer shares CPU time with the ServerThread, WorldGen has its own thread and runs next to the game. So they get the full time they need. So Timepertick is at that point useless since they get the max time already. If you want to improve worldgeneration speed: Aggressive Pregeneration for better Better Terrain Generation and ThreadRule for MultiWorldGeneration might be your best option. Note: Aggressive Pregeneration can backfire if terrain generation is already slow enough, it only works if it is to fast.

  • Question: Optifine?
    Answer: No offical Support. Should run but no bug fixing support.

  • Question: How do i make biome changing mods work in the Preview? (like Biomes o plenty)
    Answer: You do all the settings you would do when creating a normal world and then you open the preview. The Preview will automatically take all settings from the create world screen.

  • Question: Does this support Phosphor?
    Answer: Yes it works with phosphor and it does speed up the Chunk Finalization by roughly 20% which is the slowest part of the Pregeneration process.

  • Question: Does X Mod work with this mod?
    Answer: If it is not in the Known Issues section you can assume it works. If it does not, report it and it gets added to it or fixed if possible. Or if the Fix requires a User action the the Fix info gets added there too.

  • Question: Why Retrogen not work?
    Answer: This can be a multitude of reasons. But it usually comes down 2 to facts.
    Reason 1: Did you select a worldgenerator to work? If no try doing that and try again.
    Reason 2: The worldgenerator just decided not to place things. Chunk Pregenerator does not actually place blocks themselves. it just loads chunks, asks the biome in that chunk to give its worldgenerators and if there is one there that you selected tells it to generate in that chunk. But it can only point fingers and say: Try there. If it actually does it it has 0 control over it. Thats how mcs worldgen always worked. Yes I hate RNG Jesus too.

  • Question: I have a question that is not answered in the FAQ.
    Answer: Please read the documentation. If that does not answer your question then leave a comment or Open a Issue.

  • Question: How quickly do I get an answer if I ask a question related to the mod.
    Answer: Within 24/48 hours the Comment/Issue should be noticed. Unless I am ill or I have no access to the Cursepage. (Yes I already had a random IP that blocked me from CF for 24 hours)

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