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PipeAdditions 1.0.0

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@Speiger Speiger released this 23 May 02:08
· 2 commits to master since this release

Initial Release:

-Adds 2 Gate Options
-What is this item: With some options they selfexplain. Left and RightLeftClick on the parameter is enough to change it. Works only for ItemPipe.
-Slot Detection: Allows you to check 1 Slot from an Inventory, First Parameter: SlotID, if there is no slot that you are searching for then it returns false.
Second Parameter: Comparing Type. Left/Right Click changes how it compares. Sneak Right/Left Click Changes it to Sided Check or normal inventory Check.
Third and Last Parameter: Item you want to compare. If you leave it empty then it checks for an Empty Slot.

Things you can compare: ItemID only, ItemMetadata Only, NBT Only, Item ID & Meta, Item ID & NBT, Item Meta & NBT and all three

Note: Do not use that on Jabba Barrels, because it will create an insane amount of Lag because of the way how Jabba barrels work.

Supported Mods:
Vanilla Minecraft (xD)
BuildCraft, (only fuel and Coolant),
Every RF Mod that has RF Item Containers,
IC2, (And IC2 Classic),
Every Mod that adds Fluids to the Game,
Every Mod that adds Oredictionary things.

I hope you like the idea.

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