- It uses playwright and firefox to open browser and parse html.
- It is an unofficial api for development purpose only.
Playwright comes with three web browsers to my knowledge;
* Chromiun - Chrome
* Firefox
* Webkit
Make sure that python and virtual environment is installed. In my case, i'm using PyCharm.
Create a new virtual environment
# one time
virtualenv -p $(which python3) pyenv
# everytime you want to run the server
source pyenv/bin/activate
## in my case, I used a virtual environment in pycharm, so i didn't use the two steps above.
- Now install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
PyCharm should automatically notify you to install this, if it finds the file in the project env.
- If you are installing playwright for the first time, it will ask you to run this command for one time only.
playwright install or
ms-playwright install (if playwright doesn't work)
Playwright didn't work for me so I used `ms-playwrigt` which worked well.
- Now run the server
python server.py or
python file_path of server.py on your pc/dev env.
- The server runs at port
. If you want to change, you can change it in server.py
- There is a single end point only. It is available at
curl -XGET http://localhost:5001/chat?q=Write%20a%20python%20program%20to%20reverse%20a%20list
- [8 Dec 2022]: Updated parsing logic (credits @CoolLoong)
- All the credit for this script goes to Daniel Gross's whatsapp gpt package & Taranjeet Singh who made the code simplified for Python developers . I have just taken the script as an individual file like Taranjeet Singh did and added documentation for how to install and run it like he did.