Since the Signal Portable App from Portapps does not update correctly, here is an easy script for you to use.
A Signal Portable instance from PortApps.
The update button in the top left corner will NOT WORK. You need to run this script in order to update. This is a quirk of Signal Portable, not the script.
The 7z.exe is just the normal, unaltered 7z.exe and dll that you would find in your personal installation. Feel free to download it yourself or check the checksum!
Simply put the batch folder into wherever you have your Signal Portable instance. This can also be done by extracting the zip from the Releases Tab.
The batch folder needs to be on the same level as the app, data and log folders. The icon file is in case you want to make a shortcut to your start menu and want it to look nicer.
If you want this to run automatically, simply use the task scheduler. I highly recommend using Version 1.2 or later of the script if you want to do that
-Make a Linux shell script