🚀 You will take your business to the next level by providing a 100% professional and automated service hosted in the cloud thanks to fly.io and you will be able to connect to the database with the Supabase service in postgres SQL.
git clone https://github.com/TomasS-R/chatbotWhatsAppApiBusiness.git
npm install
In this file you must fill in the corresponding fields by connecting to the server, in my case I used fly.io and to set the keys I used the command:
fly secrets set SUPER_SECRET_KEY=password1234
In this module we will see how to configure the access and interaction with the meta service and the bot so that they can work correctly.
You can obtain this Permanent Token in the developers page of meta and you can configure the AccessToken in webhook option:
The Access Token is generated so that meta can check the correct connection with the bot, you can place it randomly, either with:
The URL that requests us meta is the one of our server in which our bot is hosted, once the url and the AccessToken are valid it confirms it and the connection is established.
More documentation of the proyect in gitbook
🚀 Llevarás tu negocio al siguiente nivel prestando un servicio 100% profesional y automatizado alojado en la nube gracias a fly.io y podrás conectarte a la base de datos con el servicio Supabase en postgres SQL.
✅ Guarde los datos en Supabase o en otra base de datos que proporcione un servidor con soporte en Postgres SQL.
git clone https://github.com/TomasS-R/chatbotWhatsAppApiBusiness.git
npm install
El bot tiene un archivo env (ExampleEnv.txt) para proteger las claves de la api cloud y el servicio de supabase.
En este archivo IEn este archivo debes rellenar los campos correspondientes conectándote al servidor, en mi caso utilicé fly.io y para establecer las claves utilicé el comando:
fly secrets set SUPER_SECRET_KEY=password1234