The Trade Tariff Backend provides an API which allows to search commodity codes for import and export for tax, duty and licences that apply to goods, from and to UK and NI.
It is maintained on
Projects using the Trade Tariff (TT) API:
- Ruby v3
- Postgresql v10
- ElasticSearch v7
- Redis v4
Please go through this updated setup document
Setup your environment, by doing the following:
Run rails db:create - to create the databases locally
Setup your cf CLI:
Check with DevOps to have a cf account created, if you don't have one already
Install conduit plugin. It allows you to directly connect to the remote service instances in Cloud Foundry.
Get a data dump of the DB from our DEV/STAGING environment, by running:
cf conduit <target database> -- pg_dump --file <data_dump_file_name>.psql --no-acl --no-owner --clean --verbose
For example:
cf conduit trade-tariff-db -- pg_dump --file trade-tariff-db.psql
Restore the data dump locally, by running:
psql -h localhost tariff_development < <data_dump_file_name>.psql
file with valid data. To enable the XI version, add the extra flagSERVICE=xi
. If not added, it will default to the UK version. -
Start your services:
- PostgreSQL Server
Use the command
postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
pg_ctl start
- Redis Server:
- ElasticSearch
cd to your ElasticSearch folder and run
- Sidekiq
bundle exec sidekiq
- Rails Server
bundle exec rails s
TT backend contains a docker-compose.yml file to run Redis, ElasticSearch and Postgres:
To start the services run:
docker-compose up
To stop them run:
docker-compose down
- docker-compose help you to start the depentencies, but you still need to run the trade tarif rails service:
- Keep in mind the difference between "up" and "start".
bundle exec rails s
This way facilitates development and debugging, allowing easy setup of the other services.
Verify that the app is up and running.
E.g open http://localhost:3018/healthcheck
Check out wiki article on the subject, or get a recent database snapshot.
These are run hourly by a background worker UpdatesSynchronizerWorker.
- checking failures (check tariff_synchronizer.rb) - if any of updates failed in the past, sync process will not proceed
- downloading missing files up to (check base_update.rb and download methods in taric_update.rb)
- applying downloaded files
Updates are performed in portions and protected by redis lock (see TariffSynchronizer#apply).
BaseUpdate#apply is responsible for most of the logging/checking job and running
methods located in Taric class. Then it runs TaricImporter
to parse and store xml files.
In case of any errors, changes (per single update) are roll-backed and record itself is marked as failed. The sync would need to be rerun after a rollback.
You can manually deploy to cloud foundry as well, so you need to have the CLI installed, and the following cf plugin installed:
Set the following ENV variables:
Then run
NB: In the newer Diego architecture from CloudFoundry, no-route skips creating and binding a route for the app, but does not specify which type of health check to perform. If your app does not listen on a port, for example the sidekiq worker, then it does not satisfy the port-based health check and Cloud Foundry marks it as crashed. To prevent this, disable the port-based health check with cf set-health-check APP_NAME none.
We are using CF AutoScaler plugin to perform application autoscaling. Set up guide and documentation are available by links below:
To check autoscaling history run:
cf autoscaling-history APPNAME
To check autoscaling metrics run:
cf autoscaling-metrics APP_NAME METRIC_NAME
To remove autoscaling policy and disable App Autoscaler run:
cf detach-autoscaling-policy APP_NAME
To create or update autoscaling policy for your application run:
cf attach-autoscaling-policy APP_NAME ./policy.json
Current autosscaling policy files are here.
- When writing validators in
please run the rake taskaudit:verify
which runs the validator against existing data.
Please check out the Contributing guide
Trade Tariff is licenced under the MIT licence