a release of the source code for all my old flash games (from 2001 to 2012), for educational & preservation purposes only
All games in this repository are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) This means you can use these for non-commercial uses only, with attribution, and must release any derivitave versions you create under the same license. Basically, use these for preservation and educational purposes only.
If games I made are currently missing from this dump, it's because I either lost the flas, couldn't reach collaborators for permission to open source, didn't receive permission to open source, or the games are currently available in commercial format (Aether and AVGM are excluded because they are both currently available as part of The Basement Collection on steam). Collab projects (red&black, white&black, etc) are excluded, as are games where I was only a secondary collaborator instead of the primary author.
Sequels are placed together in the same folder as the first one.
If I locate any lost sources or get permission from collaborators I will add in some of the missing games.
Blockslide, Closure, Nutcracker, Pigeon Pooper 2, and Spectrum's FLA files are all too large to be included in a github repo. Check Releases to download those files (they still probably need to be placed in their repsective folders)
I have resaved none of these files under newer versions of flash. They remain as they were when I last published versions of them for the internet. Please only file issues if it's apparant that I forgot a file necessary to export the game, I will not fix any issues within the games or fla files themselves. I have included no fonts with any of these games (I don't have them either), just google for the fonts flash says it's missing.
The majority of these games (at least all the 2006 and earlier ones) were made with AS2, which means in order to actually view the code for them you'll need to open them in Flash CS6 or earlier, because adobe completely removed support for that in Animate CC (it literally deletes any AS2 code that was placed on movieclips when you open the file, which is where a majority of the code was placed in some of these old games).
Ruffle.rs and Bluemaxima Flashpoint are making great efforts to preserve the legacy and history of flash games, but considering that making games in flash is going to soon be a lost art, I think it's important to preserve the source files that made these games as well. There's a ton of weird tricks and methods used in making these old games that will just be lost to time otherwise, because modern game engines just don't really work the same way flash did.
(Note: Some games will not compile on more recent versions of flash, replacing "JSON.encode" and "JSON.decode" within NewgroundsAPI.as with "JSON.stringify" and "JSON.parse" respectively should fix this on most of them. I elected not to do this manually, figuring its better to have the "original files" in case people want to compile with the version of flash the projects were created in)