Releases: UCSC-Treehouse/mend_qc
update install of rjson
reduce uninformative output
This release contains an update to that omits the "--show-progress" parameter to sambama sort, which generates many uninformative lines of output.
Dockerfile specifies Python 2.7.14; tidyverse rollback
That's it. That's the release.
Supports alternative genome and gene models
This release was used to build the docker ucsctreehouse/bam-mend-qc:2.0.0.
This release can accept a third parameter to specify the bed file used to identify exons, allowing people to use it with alternative genome and gene models. If no bed file is specified, the default included bed file (hg38; gencode 23) is used.
Refactored/modernized the code in parseReadDist.R
Changed docker and output file names to conform with MEND
Changed column/field names in output to be more intuitive
Specified all libraries in requirements.txt; the resulting Docker container fails otherwise
Used in Treehouse production 2018-present
This code was used to generate ucsctreehouse/bam-umend-qc:1.1.1
(DIGEST:sha256:f1e094f84c210e65ab04a24812b49d865091c50d0a90d66c004516bce7e17961), available at
It can be run as follows:
docker run --rm \
-v `pwd`/$(shell find outputs/expression/*.bam):/inputs/sample.bam \
-v $(shell pwd)/outputs/qc:/tmp \
-v $(shell pwd)/outputs/qc:/outputs \
ucsctreehouse/bam-umend-qc@sha256:5f286d72395fcc5085a96d463ae3511554acfa4951aef7d691bba2181596c31f \
/inputs/sample.bam /outputs