Scripts and files related to the SMN gene conversion manuscript. The preprint of this manuscript can currently be found at:
To download the main branch of the repository:
git clone
Note: this was developed and tested with Python 3.6.8. Using other versions of Python might give errors.
cd ManuscriptSMNGeneConversion/scripts
python3.6 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt create BED file with homopolymer regions in the reference genome for length x-bp
source <workflow_folder>/scripts/venv/bin/activate
python <path_to_reference_fasta> <output_file> --homopolymer_len <int>
- --homopolymer_len = minimum length of homopolymer to consider in output [default 3]
Segmental duplication analysis was performed by running script: This script requires installing the MUMmer (v4.0.0) system. Adjust path of mummer in the script for personal use.
The script runs nucmer
for genome alignment, delta-filter
for filtering the delta file for 95% identity and alignment length of 10kb, and show-coords
for converting the delta file into a coordinates file.
Columns 1, 2 and 8 are extracted to create a BED file, where bed segment is named by reference-query alignment (a segments) and by query-reference alignment (b segments).
scripts/./ -o <output_name> -r <reference> -q <query>
- output_name = output name for the files this script outputs
- reference = reference fasta (we used chr5.fa of T2T-CHM13)
- query = query fasta (we used chr5.fa of T2T-CHM13)
Coordinate for masking can be extracted from the BED file into a new BED file and used in step 2.2 Masked reference genome.
Tested with BEDtools v2.25.0
bedtools maskfasta -fi <reference_genome> -bed <mask_bed_file> -fo <output_file>
- reference_genome = full path to reference genome .fa(sta)
- mask_bed_file = BED file with-to-mask regions (.e.g. <repo_folder>/datafiles/masking_approach_mask_coords_20a_22a.bed as used in the manuscript)
- output = output name for masker reference genome (e.g. T2T-CHM13 v2.0/hs1 as used in the manuscript)
This script calculates sensitivity and precision for SNV (only) between Illumina (GATK ploidy VCF) and ONT data (Clair3 haplotype variant calling).
source <workflow_folder>/scripts/venv/bin/activate
python <input_folder_ont> <input_folder_illumina> <roi> <sample_file> <translation_file> <analysisID>
- input_folder_ont = full path to folder containing all Clair3 VCF files from ONT analysis
- input_folder_illumina = full path to folder containing all GATK ploidy VCF files from Illumina analysis
- roi = region of interest (chr:start-stop) i.e. the long-range PCR coordinates on the reference genome. Statistics will be calculated within this region.
- sample_file = tsv file for renaming sampleIDs: sampleID, Illumina sampleID, SMN1/2 ploidy
- translation_file = tsv file with sampleID, ONT sampleID, SMN1/2 ploidy
- analysisID = name for output folder
To postprocess the SMA and 1000G data for the manuscript, seven main scripts are used.
- was used to create a tsv file containing the Clair3 variants and read depth on eacht variant position in each haplotype for each sample
- 4.3_SNV_analysis.R was used to to determine SMN_copy_type (SMN1 or SMN2) based on PSV13 and output TSV file with all called variants
- was used to slice the reference genome for the contig of interest (e.g. chr5 for SMA)
- was used to create fasta sequences of each haplotype based on original reference contig and detected variants.
- 4.6_determine_and_show_SMN_specific_positions.R was used to determine SMN1/SMN2 specific positions.
- 4.7_load_bed_and_show_SMN_specific_positions.R was used to determine SMN1/SMN2 specific positions based on a BED input file.
This script selects the best phasing method ('bed' or 'region') based on read depth on PSV positions, and moves the unselected files into a separate folder.
sh -i <path_to_input_folder> -p <path_to_PSV_bed_file>
- path_to_input_folder = path to input folder. Within this folder, specific samplefolders should exist (sample names starting with 'SMA' or 'HG'). Within each samplefolder, bam_files_haplotagged/, bam_files_haplotagged_split/, clair3/, sniffles2/ and vcf/ folders should be present (i.e. the output of HapSMA).
- path_to_PSV_bed_file = path to a bed file containing PSV positions. See 'PSV_SMN1_minus_PSV8_liftover_hg19_to_T2T_CHM13.bed' in the <repo_folder>/datafiles folder.
The unselected files will be moved into: {input_dir}/phasing_not_selected/ The user can keep this folder or remove it if desired.
Make TSV file for read depth of each variant position in each haplotype for each sample.
- Loop over clair3 VCF files and make .tsv file
- Make BED file for all variant positions
- Calculate depth for all variant positions in BED file
- Merge depth files into analysis specific .tsv files
- change /path/to/samtools in to excecutable/binary or docker/singularity command of samtools (tested with samtools 1.17).
- make sure the python virtual environment has been made in the repo folder (see above: Make virtual env for python script).
- the script contains specific regex for SMA/1000G sampleIDs used in the manuscript. These need to be changed if other sampleID are used.
- will run the scripts and from the repo folder.
sh -o <path_to_output_folder> -i <path_to_input_folder> -s <path_to_repo_folder>
- path_to_output_folder = path to output folder
- path_to_input_folder = path to input folder. Input folder should contain SMA/ and 1000G/ folder. Within SMA/ and 1000/ specific samplefolder should exist. Within each samplefolder clair3/ and bam_files_haplotagged_split/ should be present. clair3/ folder includes the clair3 VCF and index, bam_files_haplotagged_split/ contains the haplotype specific BAM files + index.
- path_to_repo_folder = path to repo folder containing the scripts, e.g. ManuscriptSMNGeneConversion/scripts. will produce SMA/vcf_depth_merged_all_haps.tsv and 1000G/vcf_depth_merged_all_haps.tsv TSV files that will be the input file of step 4.3, 4.6, and 4.7.
Determine SMN_copy_type based on PSV13 and output a file with all variants.
Note: script was runned and tested using rocker tidyverse v4.4 image.
Rscript 4.3_SNV_analysis.R <input_SNV_table> <PSV_file> <prefix>
- input_SNV_table = .tsv file (vcf_depth_merged_all_haps.tsv) produced in step 4.2 (
- PSV_file = PSV positions for the use reference genome. See repo/datafiles/PSV_liftover_hg19_to_T2T_CHM13.txt for T2T-CHM13 positions.
- prefix (e.g. SMA/1000G)
output files will be stored in working directory.
The output of this script will result in two .tsv files:
- {prefix}_list_haplotypes_copy_type.tsv outputs SMN1, SMN2, of NA of SMN_copy_type for each sample based on PSV13
- {prefix}_variants_pivoted_supplementary.tsv table of variants for each position for each sample These output TSV files will be used in step 4.5.
Slice reference genome for contig of interest.
source <workflow_folder>/scripts/venv/bin/activate
python <path_to_fasta> <contig>
- path_to_fasta = full path the reference genome fa/fasta file
- contig = ID of contig that needs to be in the output (e.g. chr5).
- output will be written to {contig}.fa
Create fasta sequence of haplotype based on original contig and detected genetic variants within the region-of-interest.
- change /path/to/samtools in to excecutable/binary or docker/singularity command of samtools (tested with samtools 1.17).
- make sure the python virtual environment has been made in the repo folder (see above: Make virtual env for python script)
- the script contains specific regex for SMA/1000G sampleIDs used in the manuscript. These need to be changed if other sampleID are used.
- will run the scripts and from the repo folder.
- Make depth files for region of interest for each haplotype specific BAM using samtools
- Convert output of step 4.3_SNV_analysis.R using and output one file per haplotype
- Make variant correct reference sequences (FASTA) for each haplotype for each sample using
- Concatenate all FASTA files into SMN1 or SMN2 haplotype output files.
sh -o <output_dir> -i <input_dir> -f <contig_fasta> -r <ROI> -c <copy_type_file> -p <pivot_file> -a <analysis> -s <path_to_repo_folder>
- output_dir = full path to output folder.
- input_dir = full path to input folder. This should be same input folder as used in step 4.2.
- contig_fasta = full path to fa(sta) file from the selected contig (e.g. chr5). This is the output file from step 4.4 (e.g. chr5.fa).
- ROI = region of interest. e.g. 71274893-71447410.
- copy_type_file = full path to copy_type file as generated in step 4.3 (e.g. SMA_list_haplotypes_copy_type.tsv).
- pivot_file = full path to pivoted file as generated in step 4.3 (e.g. SMA_variants_pivoted_supplementary.tsv).
- analysis = type of analysis, e.g. SMA or 1000G.
- path_to_repo_folder = path to repo folder containing the scripts, e.g. ManuscriptSMNGeneConversion/scripts.
Determine SMN1/SMN2 specific positions. This script should be run on control samples containing SMN1 and SMN2 (ideally 2xSMN1 and 2xSMN2 per sample). Criteria for calling a position as SMN2-specific are that the variant is present in at least 90% of the called SMN2 haplotypes and at maximum in 10% of the called SMN1 haplotypes, based on at least 20 called haplotypes for both SMN1 and SMN2. These parameters can be modified, e.g. using less strict cutoffs for discovery purposes.
Note: script was runned and tested using rocker tidyverse v4.4 image.
Rscript 4.6_determine_and_show_SMN_specific_positions.R <input_SNV_table> <PSV_file> <prefix>
- input_SNV_table = .tsv file (vcf_depth_merged_all_haps.tsv) produced in step 4.2 (
- PSV_file = PSV positions for the used reference genome. See <repo_folder>/datafiles/PSV_liftover_hg19_to_T2T_CHM13.txt for CHM13 positions.
- prefix (e.g. SMA/1000G)
The output of this script will result in three output files:
- {prefix}_SNV_tally_at_PSVs_and_SMN1-2_specific_positions.tsv TSV file containing all SMN1- or SMN2-specific positions including variant counts and ratios in SMN1 and SMN2 haplotypes
- {prefix}_PSVs_and_SMN1-2_specific_positions.bed BED file containing all SMN1- or SMN2-specific positions
- {prefix}_SNVs_at_SMN1-2_specific_positions.tsv TSV file containing variant calls (1 for SMN1 environment SNV, 2 for SMN2 environment SNV) at SMN1/2-specific variant positions per haplotype.
Determine variants at SMN1/SMN2 specific positions based on a specific BED input file (generated by 4.6_determine_and_show_SMN_specific_positions.R).
Note: script was runned and tested using rocker tidyverse v4.4 image.
Rscript 4.7_load_bed_and_show_SMN_specific_positions.R <input_SNV_table> <PSV_file> <SMN_specific_positions_bed> <prefix>
- input_SNV_table = .tsv file (vcf_depth_merged_all_haps.tsv) produced in step 4.2 (
- PSV_file = PSV positions for the used reference genome. See <repo_folder>/datafiles/PSV_liftover_hg19_to_T2T_CHM13.txt for CHM13 positions.
- SMN_specific_positions_bed = {prefix}_PSVs_and_SMN1-2_specific_positions.bed file created in step 4.6 (e.g <repo_folder>/datafiles/1000G_PSVs_and_SMN1-2_specific_positions.bed
- prefix = prefix (e.g. SMA/1000G)
The output of this script will result in a .tsv output file:
- {prefix}_SNVs_at_SMN1-2_specific_positions.tsv tsv table containing variant calls (1 for SMN1 environment SNV, 2 for SMN2 environment SNV) at SMN1/2-specific variant positions per haplotype.