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Raymond Piller edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 5 revisions

This setting allows you to block users from using the fetch feature when they are logged in to OneDrive.exe with their Microsoft account. The fetch feature allows your users to go to, select a Windows computer that's currently online and running the OneDrive Sync Client, and access all their personal files from that computer. By default, users can use the fetch feature. More Info...

This setting is for computers running 64-bit versions of Windows.

Supported on: At least Windows 7.

Expected Value [string]:

Setting Description
Present This will set Ensure = 'Present', and OneDrive will force this setting to be applied.
Absent This will set Ensure = 'Absent', and OneDrive will not have this setting applied.
Not Set This will not be managed. This will not undo previously set settings; you may want to ensure absent for that.
