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Available Data
Flow-By-Activity and Flow-By-Sector datasets can be accessed without running any FLOWSA methods in Python, but instead accessing EPA's Data Common server. It is recommended to download data with the most recent "Last Modified" date and newest version number. An explanation of the file naming schema can be found in the esupy wiki.
Data are stored as parquet files. Instructions for reading a parquet file in Python are found here and an explanation of why we save the data as parquet files is found here.
Class | Description | FlowBySector Reference Unit | Flow Types |
Chemicals | Chemicals and groups of chemicals as defined in the Federal Elementary Flow List | kg | Modeled as ELEMENTARY_FLOWS produced by sectors |
Employment | Jobs | p | Modeled as ELEMENTARY_FLOWS produced by sectors |
Energy | Energy consumption, transfer as electricity or waste heat | MJ | All types |
Geological | Mineral and metal use | kg | All types |
Land | Land area occupied | m2 | Modeled as ELEMENTARY_FLOWS consumed by sectors |
Money | Purchases | USDyear* | Modeled as TECHNOSPHERE_FLOWS with producing and consuming sectors |
Water | Water use and release data, including wastewater | kg | All types |
Other | Misc flows used for supporting data | varies | All types |
*USD unit value varies by year and is reported like 'USD2012'
Source data are imported and formatted into FlowByActivity datasets. The source data are only modified to meet column formatting criteria, meaning units are not standardized across "Class" types.
Code | Dataset | Class | Geographic Scale | Description | Years | Last Version Supporting Method |
BEA_Detail_GrossOutput_IO | Bureau of Economic Analysis Gross Output by Industry | Money | National | Gross output | 2002-2020 | |
BEA_Detail_Make_AfterRedef | Bureau of Economic Analysis Make Table After Redefinition | Money | National | Gross output, producer value, after redefinition | 2002 | |
BEA_Detail_Make_BeforeRedef | Bureau of Economic Analysis Make Before Redefinitions | Money | National | Gross output before redefinition, detail level | 2012 | |
BEA_Detail_Use_PRO_BeforeRedef | Bureau of Economic Analysis Use Before Redefinitions | Money | National | Gross output before redefinition, detail level, producer value | 2012 | |
BEA_Summary_Make_BeforeRedef | Bureau of Economic Analysis Make Before Redefinitions | Money | National | Gross output before redefinition, summary level | 2012-2021 | |
BEA_Summary_Use_PRO_BeforeRedef | Bureau of Economic Analysis Use Before Redefinitions | Money | National | Gross output before redefinition, summary level, producer value | 2012-2021 | |
BLM_PLS | Bureau of Land Management Public Land Statistics | Land | National | Land resources and information | 2007, 2011, 2012 | |
BLS_QCEW | Bureau of Labor Statistics Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages | Employment, Money, Other | National, State, County | Number of employees per industry, Annual payroll per industry, Number of establishments per industry | 2002, 2010-2021 | |
Blackhurst_IO | Input-Output Vector of 2002 Water Withdrawals for the United States | Water | National | Input-Output vectors of US water withdrawals | 2002 | |
CalRecycle_WasteCharacterization | CalRecycle | Other | California | Disposal-Facility-Based Characterization of Solid Waste in California | 2014 | |
Census_CBP | Census Bureau County Business Patterns | Employment, Money, Other | National, State, County | Number of employees per industry, Annual payroll per industry, Number of establishments per industry | 2010-2017 | |
Census_PEP_Population | Census Bureau Population Estimates | Other | National, State, County | Population | 2010, 2013-2017 | |
Census_VIP | Value of Construction Put in Place | Money | National | Construction Spending | 2009-2020 | |
EIA_CBECS_Land | Energy Information Administration Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey | Land | National | Floorspace by building type | 2012 | |
EIA_CBECS_Water | Energy Information Administration Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey | Water | Country | Water consumption in large buildings | 2012 | |
EIA_MECS_Energy | Energy Information Administration Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey | Energy, Other | Region | Fuel and nonfuel consumption of energy flows by manufacturing industries | 2010, 2014, 2018 | |
EIA_MECS_Land | Energy Information Administration Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey | Land | National, Regional | Floorspace by building type | 2010, 2014, 2018 | |
EIA_MER | Energy Information Administration Monthly Energy Review | Energy | National | Energy consumption and production | 2010-2020 | |
EIA_SEDS | EIA State Energy Data System | Energy, Money | State | State energy production, consumption, prices, and expenditures | 2010-2020 | |
EPA_CDDPath | Construction and Demolition Debris | Other | National | Estimates of amount and disposition of Construction and Demolition materials | 2014, 2018 | |
EPA_EQUATES | Air QUAlity TimE Series Project | Chemicals | Chemical atmospheric concentrations and deposition | 2002-2017 | ||
EPA_FactsAndFigures | EPA Facts and Figures | Other | National | MSW generation, recycling, composting, other food management, combustion with energy recovery and landfilling | 2018 | |
EPA_GHGI | Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks | Chemicals, Energy, Other | National | US GHG emissions and sinks by source, economic sector, and greenhouse gas | 2010-2020 | |
EPA_NEI_Nonpoint | Environmental Protection Agency National Emissions Inventory Nonpoint sources | Chemicals | County | Air emissions of criteria pollutants, criteria precursors, and hazardous air pollutants | 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017 | |
EPA_NEI_Nonroad | Environmental Protection Agency National Emissions Inventory Nonroad sources | Chemicals | County | Air emissions of criteria pollutants, criteria precursors, and hazardous air pollutants | 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017 | |
EPA_NEI_Onroad | Environmental Protection Agency National Emissions Inventory Onroad sources | Chemicals | County | Air emissions of criteria pollutants, criteria precursors, and hazardous air pollutants | 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017 | |
EPA_NI | Nitrogen Inventories | Chemicals | HUC8 | Nitrogen inputs and fluxes | 2002, 2007, 2012 | |
EPA_PI | Phosphorus Inventories | Chemicals | HUC8 | Phosphorus inputs and fluxes | 2002, 2007, 2012 | |
EPA_REI | Recycling Economic Information | Employment, Money, Other | National | Environmental and economic impacts of recycling | 2012 | |
EPA_SIT | State Inventory and Projection Tool | Chemicals | State | GHG | 1990 - 2019 | |
EPA_StateGHGI | State GHG Emissions and Removals | Chemicals | State | GHG | 1990 - 2020 | |
EPA_WARMer | Waste Reduction Model | Other | National | Waste generation and disposition | 2018 | |
EPA_WFR | Wasted Food Report | Chemicals, Energy, Money, Employment | National | Process LCA model data extracted from EPA WARM tool | 2018 | |
NETL_EIA_PlantWater | Modified EIA Thermoelectric Plant Water Withdrawals | Water | National | Water discharge, consumption, withdrawal | 2015 | v1.3.2 |
NOAA_FisheryLandings | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries | Money | State | Fishery landings | 2012-2018 | |
StatCan_GDP | Statistics Canada Gross Domestic Product | Money | Canada | GDP for Canada | 2010-2015 | |
StatCan_IWS_MI | Statistics Canada Industrial Water Survey | Water | Country | Water use by NAICS | 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 | |
StatCan_LFS | Statistics Canada Labour Force Study | Employment | Canada | Employment by industry | 2010-2019 | |
USDA_ACUP_Fertilizer | Chemical Use Survey | Chemicals | State | Fertilizer use by crop | 2012, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020 | |
USDA_ACUP_Pesticide | Chemical Use Survey | Chemicals | State | Pesticide use by crop | 2012, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020 | |
USDA_CoA_Cropland | USDA Census of Agriculture | Land, Other | County | Crop area by farm size and irrigation status by crop | 2012, 2017 | |
USDA_CoA_Cropland_NAICS | USDA Census of Agriculture | Land | State | Crop area by farm size and irrigation status by NAICS | 2012, 2017 | |
USDA_CoA_Livestock | USDA Census of Agriculture | Other | County | Livestock count by farm size | 2012, 2017 | |
USDA_ERS_FIWS | USDA Farm Income and Wealth Statistics | Money | National, State | Cash receipts value | 2010-2019 | |
USDA_ERS_MLU | USDA Major Land Uses | Land | National | Land use by category | 2007, 2012 | |
USDA_IWMS | USDA Irrigation and Water Management Survey | Water | State | Water application rate by state and crop | 2013, 2018 | |
USGS_MYB | USGS Mineral Yearbook | Geological | National | Imports, Exports, Production, Consumption | 2012-2018 | |
USGS_NWIS_WU | US Geological Survey Water Use in the US | Water | County | Annual national level water use by various activities | 2010, 2015 | |
USGS_SPARROW | USGS SPARROW MAPPERS | Chemicals | HUC | Phosphorus and Nitrogen in streams and coastal waters | 2012 | |
USGS_WU_Coef | USDA Water Use Coefficients | Water | National | Method for estimating water withdrawals for livestock | 2005 |
Environmental, economic, waste and other resource data attributed to economic sectors, generally NAICS codes, formatted into standard FlowBySector datasets.
Description | Code | Years | Geography | Number of methods of sector attribution | Comments | Last version that supports method |
Commercial RCRA-defined hazardous waste | CRHW | national, state | 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 | 1 | only have national version of 2017 | |
Commercial Non-hazardous waste | CNHW | national, state, CA | 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 | 1 | only have national version of 2017 | |
Criteria and hazardous air emissions | CAP_HAP | national, state | 2014, 2018 | 1 | only have state version of 2014, have 2014 version of only California (CA) | |
Electricity generation | Electricity_gen_emissions | national | 2016 | 1 | drop support in FLOWSAv2.0 | |
Employment | Employment | national, state | 2002, 2010, 2012-2020 | 1 | Not all years have both state and national | |
Greenhouse gas emissions | GHG | national, state | 2012-2020 | 1 | ||
Land use | Land | national, state | 2012 | 1 | ||
Point source industrial releases to ground | GRDREL | national, state | 2012-2020 | 1 | only have national versions of 2017, 2020 | |
Point source releases to water | TRI_DMR | national, state | 2012-2020 | 1 | only have national versions of 2017, 2020 | |
Waste | REI_waste | national | 2012 | 1 | ||
Water withdrawal | Water | national, state | 2010, 2015 | 3 | only have a state version for 2015 m1 | drop support of m2, m3 in FLOWSAv2.0 |
flowsa is developed and maintained by Office of Research & Development (ORD), Center for Environmental Solutions & Emergency Response (CESER), Land Remediation & Technology Division (LRTD), Environmental Decision Analytics Branch (EDAB), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH 45268. See OMB Memorandum M-16-21 Section 4 & Releasing Open Source Code.
Projects Using FLOWSA Output
Install & Run
Example Code
Reading Parquet Files
Loading External FBS Method YAMLs
API Keys
Creating a Flow-By-Activity Dataset
Creating a Flow-By-Activity Crosswalk
Creating a Flow-By-Sector Dataset
FBA and FBS Naming Convention
NAICS Crosswalk
Available Data
Flow Classes
Flow-By-Activity Datasets
Flow-By-Sector Datasets
Data Storage
EPA's Tools for Industrial Ecology
Suggested Citations for FLOWSA and FBS Data
Publications and Presentations