This repository contains the data, analysis, and results of the "Beluga" project, carried out by Yinan Xu, Chantel Prat, and Andrea Stocco at the University of Washington and Florian Sense and Hedderik van Rijn at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
In a series of papers, Sense and van Rijn demonstrated that the rate of forgetting in long-term memory is stable across time and materials within an individual---it is, thus, akin to what personality psychologists would call a trait, and to what computational neuroscientists and statisticians would call an idiographic parameter.
It is likely that such idiographic characteristics reflect the underlying biology of an individual. If this is true, then the parameter should be reflected in some measures of recordable electropshyiological activity, such as fMRI, EEG, or PET recordings.
For this project, we focused on resting state fMRI, using data collected by Chantel Prat from 64 participants. A subset of these participants were also asked to perform van Rijn's adaptive learning task; their estimated rate of forgetting is then correlated with functional connectivity values between the 264 regions in the Power et al (2011) parcellation.
The results are the following: