Sowing is a Python library that provides an immutable tree data structure, along with utilities to build, traverse, edit, and serialize trees. Some advantages of using such a structure include:
- Subtrees can be reused in multiple trees, reducing the memory footprint.
- Passing trees between functions and/or threads is safe and never requires unnecessary copying.
- Trees can be hashed, placed in sets, and used as keys in dictionaries.
- It simplifies reasoning about the resulting code, as there are no side-effects.
This library also provides efficient tools to traverse and edit trees, despite the immutable structure, borrowing ideas from Huet’s Zipper.
- Manually building trees
- (De)serializing trees
- Navigating and editing trees using cursors
- Traversals, maps, and folds
- Indexed trees
- Combinatorial tools
is the main data structure.
It is an immutable, hashable, and recursive structure.
Each Node
instance represents a subtree; it contains the root of that subtree and links to Node
for each of its child subtrees.
Create tree structures by manually instantiating Node
For example, the tree below can be represented as follows:
flowchart TD
a[Root] --> b[Left] --> c[Leaf]
b --> d[Leaf]
a --> e[Right] --> f[Leaf]
from sowing import Node
tree = (
Nodes can contain any arbitrary data, as long as it is immutable and hashable.
In the previous example, strings were attached to each node.
Note that native Python dictionaries are not immutable, so they cannot be attached to a node.
To store key-value data inside a node, you should use an immutable dictionary library such as immutables
Trees can be pretty-printed to reveal their structure:
>>> print(tree)
│ ├──Leaf
│ └──Leaf
Two nodes compare equal as long as their data is equal and their subtrees are also equal. The order among subtrees of a node is significant in this comparison. For example:
>>> Node("Example") == Node("Example")
>>> Node().add(Node()).add(Node()) == Node().add(Node()).add(Node())
>>> Node("a").add(Node("b")).add(Node("c")) == Node("a").add(Node("b")).add(Node("c"))
>>> Node("a").add(Node("b")).add(Node("c")) == Node("a").add(Node("c")).add(Node("b"))
Edges between nodes can also contain any arbitrary immutable and hashable data.
This data is specified by passing the data=
keyword argument to the add()
For example:
>>> tree = (
... Node("Root")
... .add(
... Node("Left")
... .add(Node("Leaf"))
... .add(Node("Leaf")),
... data="towards left"
... )
... .add(
... Node("Right")
... .add(Node("Leaf")),
... data="towards right"
... )
... )
>>> print(tree)
│ ╭towards left
│ ├──Leaf
│ └──Leaf
│ ╭towards right
Sowing supports reading and writing trees in the extended Newick format. Here is an example showing how to read a tree from its serialized Newick form and then serialize it back to Newick:
>>> from sowing.repr.newick import parse, write
>>> data = "(((ab,ac),(b,a)),(((c,c),acd),d));"
>>> newick = parse(data)
>>> assert write(newick) == data
>>> print(newick)
│ ├──┐
│ │ ├──{'name': 'ab'}
│ │ └──{'name': 'ac'}
│ └──┐
│ ├──{'name': 'b'}
│ └──{'name': 'a'}
│ ├──┐
│ │ ├──{'name': 'c'}
│ │ └──{'name': 'c'}
│ └──{'name': 'acd'}
└──{'name': 'd'}
In the Newick format, any number of pieces of information can be attached to a node or an edge.
If a node has a name, it will be parsed and stored inside an immutable dictionary under the "name"
key, as shown above.
Branch lengths and supports can be specified using the usual colon notation, as in the following example:
>>> print(parse("(a:1,b::2,c:3:4);"))
│ ╭{'length': '1'}
├──{'name': 'a'}
│ ╭{'support': '2'}
├──{'name': 'b'}
│ ╭{'length': '3', 'support': '4'}
└──{'name': 'c'}
Following the extended Newick format, other arbitrary attributes can be specified using the bracket notation. Attributes placed before the first colon belong to the node, while those placed afterwards belong to the parent edge.
>>> print(parse("(a:1[&edgeattr=val],b[&nodeattr=val]::2,c:3:4);"))
│ ╭{'edgeattr': 'val', 'length': '1'}
├──{'name': 'a'}
│ ╭{'support': '2'}
├──{'nodeattr': 'val', 'name': 'b'}
│ ╭{'length': '3', 'support': '4'}
└──{'name': 'c'}
While the deserialization-serialization process is guaranteed to be non-destructive (i.e. write(parse(data))
always equals data
), the reverse is not true (for some trees, parse(write(tree))
differs from tree
Any non-dictionary data encountered while serializing a tree is silently ignored.
and Edge
instances have a data
attribute containing the data attached to them.
Additionally, each node has an edges
attribute containing a list of edges to its children, and each edge has a node
attribute referencing the subtree it points to.
By design, nodes have no reference to their parents.
To easily navigate within trees, use cursors (also called zippers) to keep track of your position inside the tree and to jump to the parent, children, or siblings of the current node.
To obtain a cursor pointing on the root of a tree, use the unzip()
The node
attribute on cursors contains the currently pointed node.
The following navigation methods are available on cursors:
— Move to the nth child of the current node, by default the first one.cursor.children()
— Get an iterator on the children of the current node.cursor.up()
— Move to the parent of the current node.cursor.sibling([index])
— Move to the nth sibling of the current node, by default the next one.
For example:
>>> from sowing import Node
>>> tree = (
... Node("Root")
... .add(Node("Left").add(Node("Leaf")).add(Node("Leaf")))
... .add(Node("Right").add(Node("Leaf")))
... )
>>> print(tree)
│ ├──Leaf
│ └──Leaf
>>> tree.unzip().down().down()
>>> tree.unzip().down().sibling()
>>> print(tree.unzip().down().sibling())
│ ├──Leaf
│ └──Leaf
└──○ Right
When a cursor is printed, the circle (○) symbol marks the current node.
Cursors are also used to modify trees.
At any point, the node currently pointed by a cursor can be changed in constant time.
After edits are done, the zip()
method generates the updated tree structure, automatically propagating all changes towards the root.
This leaves the original tree unchanged, since it is, after all, immutable.
To update nodes, edges and cursors, replace()
methods are available on each of these classes.
A call to obj.replace(a=b, c=d)
returns a new copy of obj
in which the value of the a
field has been replaced by b
, c
replaced by d
, and all other fields are left unchanged.
Values can either be plain or callable.
In the latter case, the callable is invoked with a reference to obj
in order to compute the actual value used for the replacement.
Here are some examples:
# Given the following structure...
>>> from sowing import Node
>>> tree = (
... Node("Root")
... .add(Node("Left").add(Node("Leaf")).add(Node("Leaf")), data="towards left")
... .add(Node("Right").add(Node("Leaf")), data="towards right")
... )
>>> print(tree)
│ ╭towards left
│ ├──Leaf
│ └──Leaf
│ ╭towards right
# ...change the data associated to the right child
>>> print(tree.unzip().down(1).replace(node=lambda x: x.replace(data="New")).zip())
│ ╭towards left
│ ├──Leaf
│ └──Leaf
│ ╭towards right
# ...change the data on the edge to the left child
>>> print(tree.unzip().down(0).replace(data="changed").zip())
│ ╭changed
│ ├──Leaf
│ └──Leaf
│ ╭towards right
# ...remove the left subtree
>>> print(tree.unzip().down(0).replace(node=None).zip())
│ ╭towards right
# ...swap the two subtrees below the root
>>> print(tree.unzip().down(0).replace(index=1).zip())
│ ╭towards right
│ └──Leaf
│ ╭towards left
# ...use another node as the root
>>> print(tree.unzip().down(0).root().zip())
│ ╭towards left
│ ╭towards right
The sowing.traversal
module provides functions to traverse trees in the following orders:
depth(tree, [preorder=False])
— Iterate on the nodes depth-first order, either in postorder (default), where parents get enumerated after their children, or in preorder, where parents get enumerated first.leaves()
— Iterate on the leaves following the tree order.euler()
— Iterate on the nodes along an Euler tour of the tree edges.
For example:
>>> from sowing.traversal import depth, euler, leaves
>>> for cursor in depth(tree, preorder=False):
... print(
>>> for cursor in depth(tree, preorder=True):
... print(
>>> for cursor in leaves(tree):
... print(
>>> for cursor in euler(tree):
... print(
The following methods in sowing.traversal
allow transforming a tree along a given traversal:
map(fun, traversal)
— Callfun(node, edge, index, depth)
for each node alongtraversal
, passing it the data associated to the node (node
), the data associated to the incoming edge (edge
), the node index among its siblings relative to its parent (index
), and the node depth (depth
). The function must return a(node, edge)
tuple, which are used to replace the each node’s data and edge’s data respectively. Themap
function returns a new tree, after the transformation has been performed on each node.fold(fun, traversal)
— Callfun(cursor)
for each node alongtraversal
, passing it a cursor pointing to that node. The function must return this cursor, having optionally modified it in the process. Thefold
function returns a new tree, after the transformation has been performed on each node.
As a general rule, map
is used for transformations that only change the data associated to the tree but leave its structure untouched, while fold
allows for structural changes.
Here’s a simple example which replaces each node with its index in a traversal:
>>> from sowing import Node
>>> from sowing.traversal import depth, map
>>> tree = (
... Node("Root")
... .add(Node("Left").add(Node("Leaf")).add(Node("Leaf")))
... .add(Node("Right").add(Node("Leaf")))
... )
>>> def indexer():
... counter = 0
... def fun(node, edge, *_):
... nonlocal counter
... counter += 1
... return counter, edge
... return fun
# Show indexes for a postorder traversal
>>> print(map(indexer(), depth(tree, preorder=False)))
│ ├──3
│ └──4
# Show indexes for a preorder traversal
>>> print(map(indexer(), depth(tree, preorder=True)))
│ ├──1
│ └──2
Here’s an example in which the tree structure is altered:
>>> from sowing import Node
>>> from sowing.repr.newick import parse
>>> from sowing.traversal import depth, fold
# Define a tree containing some unary nodes
>>> tree = parse("(((a,(b),(c,d))),e);")
>>> print(tree)
│ └──┐
│ ├──{'name': 'a'}
│ ├──┐
│ │ └──{'name': 'b'}
│ └──┐
│ ├──{'name': 'c'}
│ └──{'name': 'd'}
└──{'name': 'e'}
# Folding callback that replaces all unary nodes with their child
>>> def pruner(cursor):
... if len(cursor.node.edges) == 1:
... return cursor.replace(node=cursor.node.edges[0].node)
... else:
... return cursor
# Compute the value of the tree
>>> fold(pruner, depth(tree, preorder=False))
│ ├──{'name': 'a'}
│ ├──{'name': 'b'}
│ └──┐
│ ├──{'name': 'c'}
│ └──{'name': 'd'}
└──{'name': 'e'}
Finally, here’s an example which performs some computation on the tree:
>>> from sowing import Node
>>> from sowing.traversal import depth, fold
# Define an arithmetical expression tree
>>> tree = (
... Node("*")
... .add(Node("+").add(Node(6)).add(Node(2)))
... .add(
... Node("/")
... .add(Node(18))
... .add(Node("*").add(Node(2)).add(Node(3)))
... )
... )
>>> print(tree)
│ ├──6
│ └──2
# Folding callback that replaces each operation with its value
>>> def reducer(cursor):
... args = tuple( for edge in cursor.node.edges)
... match
... case "+": value = args[0] + args[1]
... case "-": value = args[0] - args[1]
... case "*": value = args[0] * args[1]
... case "/": value = args[0] // args[1]
... case int(): value =
... return cursor.replace(node=Node(value))
# Compute the value of the arithmetical expression
>>> fold(reducer, depth(tree, preorder=False)).data
Indexed trees allow random access to any subtree of a given structure in constant time, using the data associated to the tree as a lookup key.
To be indexable, each node of a tree must contain a string, or a mapping with a "name"
key mapped to a string.
Additionally, no two nodes can share the same key.
A tree can be indexed by instantiating the IndexedTree
class and passing it the desired tree.
The following methods are available on an indexed tree:
— Retrieve a cursor pointing to the node namedkey
index(key1, key2, ...)
— Retrieve a cursor pointing to the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of all nodes bearing the keyskey1
, ...index.is_ancestor_of(key1, key2)
— Check if the nodekey1
is an ancestor or equal to the nodekey2
index.is_strict_ancestor_of(key1, key2)
— Check if the nodekey1
is an ancestor and different from the nodekey2
index.is_comparable(key1, key2)
— Check if the nodekey1
is an ancestor, a descendant, or equal to the nodekey2
— Retrieve the depth of the nodekey
, i.e., its distance to the rootindex.distance(key1, key2)
— Retrieve the distance between the nodeskey1
Here is an example of indexing a tree parsed from a Newick string:
>>> from sowing.indexed import IndexedTree
>>> from sowing.repr.newick import parse
>>> tree = parse("(((a,b)c,(d,e)f)g,(h,i)j)k;")
>>> print(tree)
>>> index = IndexedTree(tree)
{'name': 'k'}
├──{'name': 'g'}
│ ├──{'name': 'c'}
│ │ ├──{'name': 'a'}
│ │ └──{'name': 'b'}
│ └──{'name': 'f'}
│ ├──{'name': 'd'}
│ └──{'name': 'e'}
└──{'name': 'j'}
├──{'name': 'h'}
└──{'name': 'i'}
# Retrieve a node by its key
>>> print(index["a"].node)
{'name': 'a'}
# Find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of multiple nodes
>>> print(index("a", "d", "e").node)
{'name': 'g'}
├──{'name': 'c'}
│ ├──{'name': 'a'}
│ └──{'name': 'b'}
└──{'name': 'f'}
├──{'name': 'd'}
└──{'name': 'e'}
# Query ancestry relationships
>>> index.is_ancestor_of("g", "a")
>>> index.is_ancestor_of("a", "g")
>>> index.is_ancestor_of("a", "a")
>>> index.is_comparable("a", "k")
>>> index.is_comparable("a", "b")
# Query depth and distance
>>> index.depth("a")
>>> index.depth("k")
>>> index.distance("a", "b")
>>> index.distance("a", "e")
>>> index.distance("b", "h")
Sowing also provides some basic tools for generating and enumerating trees.
The sowing.comb.binary
module provides a binarize
function which can transform any tree into a binary tree by inserting internal nodes.
>>> from sowing.repr.newick import parse
>>> tree = parse("((a,b,c,d),(e,f),g,(h,i,j));")
>>> print(tree)
│ ├──{'name': 'a'}
│ ├──{'name': 'b'}
│ ├──{'name': 'c'}
│ └──{'name': 'd'}
│ ├──{'name': 'e'}
│ └──{'name': 'f'}
├──{'name': 'g'}
├──{'name': 'h'}
├──{'name': 'i'}
└──{'name': 'j'}
# Generate the first possible binarization of the tree
>>> from sowing.comb.binary import binarize
>>> print(next(binarize(tree)))
│ ├──┐
│ │ ├──┐
│ │ │ ├──┐
│ │ │ │ ├──┐
│ │ │ │ │ ├──{'name': 'a'}
│ │ │ │ │ └──{'name': 'b'}
│ │ │ │ └──{'name': 'c'}
│ │ │ └──{'name': 'd'}
│ │ └──┐
│ │ ├──{'name': 'e'}
│ │ └──{'name': 'f'}
│ └──{'name': 'g'}
│ ├──{'name': 'h'}
│ └──{'name': 'i'}
└──{'name': 'j'}
# Count the number of possible binarizations
>>> sum(1 for _ in binarize(tree))
The sowing.comb.supertree
module builds trees which “display” the topology a set of given trees, implementing the BreakUp and AllTrees algorithms from Ng and Wormald.
>>> from sowing.repr.newick import parse
>>> trees = (
... parse("((a,c),(d,e));"),
... parse("((a,b),c);"),
... parse("(d,(f,g));"),
... )
# Generate the first possible supertree
>>> print(next(supertree(*trees)))
│ ├──┐
│ │ ├──{'name': 'a'}
│ │ └──{'name': 'b'}
│ └──{'name': 'c'}
│ ├──{'name': 'd'}
│ └──{'name': 'e'}
├──{'name': 'f'}
└──{'name': 'g'}
# Generate the first possible _binary_ supertree
>>> print(next(supertree(*trees, arity=2)))
│ ├──┐
│ │ ├──{'name': 'a'}
│ │ └──{'name': 'b'}
│ └──{'name': 'c'}
├──{'name': 'd'}
├──{'name': 'e'}
├──{'name': 'f'}
└──{'name': 'g'}
# Count the number of possible supertrees
>>> sum(1 for _ in supertree(*trees))
>>> sum(1 for _ in supertree(*trees, arity=2))
- Huet, Gérard. “The zipper.” Journal of functional programming 7.5 (1997): 549-554
- Zipper implementation in Scala by Nick Stanchenko
- Ng, Meei Pyng, and Nicholas C. Wormald. “Reconstruction of rooted trees from subtrees.” Discrete applied mathematics 69.1-2 (1996): 19-31.
This library is distributed under the GPL-3.0 license. See license text.