📦 A modern backend solution that allows users to manage inventory 📦
You can access the detailed API documentation of the project from the links below:
➡ Interface that allows you to easily test API endpoints. ➡ Documentation tool that presents the API structure in a detailed and organized way.Notes: You can access Swagger and Redoc documentation without any user login.
Not: Swagger ve Redoc dokümantasyonlarına herhangi bir kullanıcı girişi yapmadan erişebilirsiniz.
- Along with Swagger and Redoc documentation, you can use our Postman collection to test APIs. Stock Management API Postman Collection
To test APIs via Postman, you can follow the steps below:
- Install Postman (if not installed): Download Postman.
- This Postman Collection Download and import.
- Start testing APIs via Postman.
Postman Collection Link:
Stock Management App API Postman Collection
Stock App is a modern backend solution that allows users to easily manage stock systems and integrate with API documentation. Main features:
- CRUD Transactions: Full data management specific to user and staff roles.
- API Documentation: Comprehensive API documentation with Swagger and Redoc.
- PostgreSQL Support: High performance database in production environment.
- Advanced Debugging: Django Debug Toolbar and system logging support.
Stock App, kullanıcıların stok sistemlerini kolayca yönetebilmesini ve API dokümantasyonu ile entegre çalışabilmesini sağlayan modern bir backend çözümüdür. Başlıca özellikler:
- CRUD İşlemleri: Kullanıcı ve staff rollerine özel tam veri yönetimi.
- API Dokümantasyonu: Swagger ve Redoc ile kapsamlı API dokümantasyonu.
- PostgreSQL Desteği: Production ortamında yüksek performanslı veritabanı.
- Gelişmiş Hata Ayıklama: Django Debug Toolbar ve sistem loglama desteği.
- Project Swagger and Redoc Documentation Visual
- Stock_App testing on Postman
- Stock_App User/Authentication Test On Postman
- Stock_App Project ERD Diagram
API documentation is detailed with Swagger and Redoc. You can access the relevant links via Swagger and Redoc.
Stock Management App is a modern backend application developed for users to manage the stock system and provide easy integration with API documentation.
Provides CRUD operations specific to users and staff roles.
Swagger and Redoc were used for API documentation.
- Django Rest Framework - A powerful framework for developing REST APIs.
- Swagger And Redoc - API documentation and testing tools.
- Debug_Toolbar - A powerful tool for debugging operations.
- Logging - System logging modul
- dj-rest-auth - User authentication and authorization.
- django-filter - To facilitate data filtering operations.
- PostgreSQL - High performance database for production environment.
For online demo: You can take a look at the Swagger and Redoc interfaces.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git
When installing the required packages in the requirements.txt file, review the package differences for windows/macOS/Linux environments.
Complete the installation by uncommenting the appropriate package.
Çevrimiçi demo için: Swagger veya Redoc arayüzlerine göz atabilirsiniz.
requirements.txt dosyasındaki gerekli paketlerin kurulumu esnasında windows/macOS/Linux ortamları için paket farklılıklarını inceleyin.
Uygun olan paketi yorumdan kurtararak kurulumu gerçekleştirin.
clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Umit8098/Project_Django_Rest_Framework_Stock_App_CH-13.git
Create and Activate Virtual Environment:
python -m venv env env/Scripts/activate (Windows) source env/bin/activate (macOS/Linux)
Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Update Database with Migrations:
python manage.py migrate
Create the .env File:
Add the necessary settings:SECRET_KEY = "your_secret_key_here" ENV = development # PostgreSQL SQL_DATABASE = your_database_name SQL_USER = your_database_user SQL_PASSWORD = your_database_password SQL_HOST = localhost SQL_PORT = 5432 # Logging level DJANGO_LOG_LEVEL = WARNING
Run the Application:
python manage.py runserver
Now your application will run at
For the live demo, you can use the following test user information:
- Username: testuser
- Password: testpassword123
- Email: testuser@gmail.com
This user can only view inventory and add tasks.
- Stock Management: Users can add, update and delete stock information.
- Grouping by Categories: Stocks can be arranged by categories.
- User Authorization: Registration, login, password change and authorization-based data management.
- Staff and Admin Authorities: Staff users can fully control all stock and user data.
- API Documentation: Detailed documentation with Swagger and Redoc.
- PostgreSQL Support: Strong database support in the production environment.
- Advanced Data Filtering: Detailed querying opportunity with django-filter.
- Stok Yönetimi: Kullanıcılar stok bilgilerini ekleyebilir, güncelleyebilir ve silebilir.
- Kategoriler ile Gruplama: Stoklar kategorilere göre düzenlenebilir.
- Kullanıcı Yetkilendirme: Kayıt, giriş, şifre değiştirme ve yetki bazlı veri yönetimi.
- Staff ve Admin Yetkileri: Staff kullanıcılar tüm stok ve kullanıcı verilerini tam kontrol edebilir.
- API Dokümantasyonu: Swagger ve Redoc ile detaylı dokümantasyon.
- PostgreSQL Desteği: Production ortamında güçlü veritabanı desteği.
- Gelişmiş Veri Filtreleme: django-filter ile detaylı sorgulama imkanı.
GitHub @Umit8098
LinkedIn @umit-arat