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📦 A modern backend solution that allows users to manage inventory 📦

Table of Contents

API Documentation

You can access the detailed API documentation of the project from the links below:

Swagger Arayüzü

➡ Interface that allows you to easily test API endpoints.

Redoc Arayüzü

➡ Documentation tool that presents the API structure in a detailed and organized way.

Notes: You can access Swagger and Redoc documentation without any user login.

Not: Swagger ve Redoc dokümantasyonlarına herhangi bir kullanıcı girişi yapmadan erişebilirsiniz.

API Testing

To test APIs via Postman, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Install Postman (if not installed): Download Postman.
  2. This Postman Collection Download and import.
  3. Start testing APIs via Postman.

Postman Collection Link:
Stock Management App API Postman Collection


Stock App is a modern backend solution that allows users to easily manage stock systems and integrate with API documentation. Main features:

  • CRUD Transactions: Full data management specific to user and staff roles.
  • API Documentation: Comprehensive API documentation with Swagger and Redoc.
  • PostgreSQL Support: High performance database in production environment.
  • Advanced Debugging: Django Debug Toolbar and system logging support.

Stock App, kullanıcıların stok sistemlerini kolayca yönetebilmesini ve API dokümantasyonu ile entegre çalışabilmesini sağlayan modern bir backend çözümüdür. Başlıca özellikler:

  • CRUD İşlemleri: Kullanıcı ve staff rollerine özel tam veri yönetimi.
  • API Dokümantasyonu: Swagger ve Redoc ile kapsamlı API dokümantasyonu.
  • PostgreSQL Desteği: Production ortamında yüksek performanslı veritabanı.
  • Gelişmiş Hata Ayıklama: Django Debug Toolbar ve sistem loglama desteği.

  • Project Swagger and Redoc Documentation Visual

Project Swagger and Redoc Documentation Visual

➡ Interface that allows you to easily test API endpoints.
  • Stock_App testing on Postman

Stock_App testing on Postman

➡ Screen for testing stock management operations with Postman.
  • Stock_App User/Authentication Test On Postman

Stock_App User/Authentication Test On Postman

➡ User verification and authorization test screen.
  • Stock_App Project ERD Diagram

Stock_App Project ERD Diagram

➡ ERD diagram showing the application's data model relationships.
  • API documentation is detailed with Swagger and Redoc. You can access the relevant links via Swagger and Redoc.

  • Stock Management App is a modern backend application developed for users to manage the stock system and provide easy integration with API documentation.

  • Provides CRUD operations specific to users and staff roles.

  • Swagger and Redoc were used for API documentation.

Built With

How To Use

  • For online demo: You can take a look at the Swagger and Redoc interfaces.

  • To clone and run this application, you'll need Git

  • When installing the required packages in the requirements.txt file, review the package differences for windows/macOS/Linux environments.

  • Complete the installation by uncommenting the appropriate package.

  • Çevrimiçi demo için: Swagger veya Redoc arayüzlerine göz atabilirsiniz.

  • requirements.txt dosyasındaki gerekli paketlerin kurulumu esnasında windows/macOS/Linux ortamları için paket farklılıklarını inceleyin.

  • Uygun olan paketi yorumdan kurtararak kurulumu gerçekleştirin.

How to Install and Run

  1. clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Create and Activate Virtual Environment:

    python -m venv env
    env/Scripts/activate (Windows)
    source env/bin/activate (macOS/Linux)
  3. Install Dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Update Database with Migrations:

    python migrate
  5. Create the .env File:
    Add the necessary settings:

    SECRET_KEY = "your_secret_key_here"
    ENV = development
    # PostgreSQL
    SQL_DATABASE = your_database_name
    SQL_USER = your_database_user
    SQL_PASSWORD = your_database_password
    SQL_HOST = localhost
    SQL_PORT = 5432
    # Logging level
  6. Run the Application:

    python runserver

Now your application will run at

Test User Information

For the live demo, you can use the following test user information:

This user can only view inventory and add tasks.

Key Features

  • Stock Management: Users can add, update and delete stock information.
  • Grouping by Categories: Stocks can be arranged by categories.
  • User Authorization: Registration, login, password change and authorization-based data management.
  • Staff and Admin Authorities: Staff users can fully control all stock and user data.
  • API Documentation: Detailed documentation with Swagger and Redoc.
  • PostgreSQL Support: Strong database support in the production environment.
  • Advanced Data Filtering: Detailed querying opportunity with django-filter.

  • Stok Yönetimi: Kullanıcılar stok bilgilerini ekleyebilir, güncelleyebilir ve silebilir.
  • Kategoriler ile Gruplama: Stoklar kategorilere göre düzenlenebilir.
  • Kullanıcı Yetkilendirme: Kayıt, giriş, şifre değiştirme ve yetki bazlı veri yönetimi.
  • Staff ve Admin Yetkileri: Staff kullanıcılar tüm stok ve kullanıcı verilerini tam kontrol edebilir.
  • API Dokümantasyonu: Swagger ve Redoc ile detaylı dokümantasyon.
  • PostgreSQL Desteği: Production ortamında güçlü veritabanı desteği.
  • Gelişmiş Veri Filtreleme: django-filter ile detaylı sorgulama imkanı.
