TakePicture is an Angular website made with Tailwind css and Flowbite.
The purpose of this website is to create a personal gym card using ngx-webcam which allows to create a profile picture by using a local webcam.
This website is using a POSTGRE SQL database hosted in render.
The database is linked to a Strapi.io backend dashboard that can be accessed through this link:
This is what I used for this project:
- Angular Documentation - these Angular docs help you learn and use the Angular framework.
- Tailwind Documentation - learn Tailwind the way that best matches your learning style.
- Flowbite Documentation - get started with the most popular open-source library of interactive UI components built with the utility classes from Tailwind CSS.
- Ngx-Webcam Documentation - a simple Angular webcam component. Pure & minimal, no Flash-fallback.
- Ng2-Flatpickr Documentation - ng2-flatpickr is a lightweight Angular wrapper for flatpickr, which is usable in reactive forms inside Angular.
You can check the project deployed on Vercel Platform through this link: