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EPOS-MSL catalog

This repository contains the Docker Compose setup for the EPOS-MSL metadata catalog, as well as the Ansible playbook for deploying the application to a server.


EPOS-MSL is based on CKAN. It uses several modules / extensions to customize CKAN for the EPOS catalog.

MSL CKAN extension

The MSL CKAN core extension contains specific settings and configuration for the EPOS MSL catalog.

MSL CKAN Util extension

The MSL CKAN util extension contains functionality used in the EPOS catalog that can be reused in other catalogs, specifically custom facets and repeating fields.


Requirements for local development (Docker setup)

  • Docker Compose
  • The images have been developed for the amd64 architecture

Requirements for deploying to server

  • Ansible (>= 2.9)
  • Vagrant (2.x - only for local VM)
  • Enterprise Linux 9 (e.g. AlmaLinux or RHEL)
  • The images have been developed for the amd64 architecture

Local development in containers (Docker)

If you use Windows, ensure that core.autocrlf is set to false in your git client before you clone the EPOS-MSL repository: git config --global core.autocrlf false Otherwise the Docker images may not work due to line ending changes.

Building the images

If you want to test any local updates, you need to re-build the images:

cd docker

Running the application using Docker

First add an entry to your /etc/hosts file (or equivalent) so that queries for the development setup interface resolve to your loopback interface. For example: epos-msl.ckan

Unless you want to build the images locally (see above), you need to pull them from the registry:

cd docker
docker compose pull

Then start the Docker Compose setup:

docker compose up

Then wait until CKAN and MSL-API have started. This may take a couple of minutes. Navigate to https://epos-msl.ckan in your browser. The development VM runs with self-signed certificates, so you'll need to accept the security warning in your browser.

Local development VM

First create the VMs using Vagrant:

vagrant up

On a Windows host, first SSH into the Ansible controller virtual machine (skip this step on GNU/Linux or macOS):

vagrant ssh epos-msl-controller
cd ~/epos-msl

Deploy EPOS-MSL to development virtual machine:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml

Add the following host to /etc/hosts (GNU/Linux or macOS) or %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows): epos-msl.ckan

MSL-API operations

Seeding test admin panel account(s)

The MSL-API component contains a specific seeder for adding admin accounts. The account credentials can be adjusted using the epos_msl_admin_account_data Ansible parameter. You need to run the UserSeeder to import these accounts into MSL-API:

docker exec -it mslapi_web /bin/bash
cd /var/www/msl_api
sudo -u www-data php artisan db:seed --class=UserSeeder

You should now be able to login to the admin panel.

Restarting the queue processor

After changing settings in the MSL-API .env file, please reload the configuration an restart the queue worker:

docker exec -it mslapi_web /bin/bash
cd /var/www/msl_api
sudo -u www-data php artisan config:cache
sudo -u www-data php artisan queue:restart

Sending a test email

In order to test the email settings, you can send a test email from MSL-API:

docker exec -it mslapi_web /bin/bash
cd /var/www/msl_api
sudo -u www-data php artisan app:test-mail

Deploying the application to a server

In order to deploy the application to a server, create a custom Ansible configuration and provide settings for the parameters listed in the section below.

Configuration parameters

The main Ansible configuration parameters are:

Setting Meaning
epos_msl_ckan_database_password CKAN database password
epos_msl_host_name Hostname of the application that users connect to
epos_msl_host_ip IP address that the application will run on
epos_msl_host_port TCP port that the application will run on
epos_msl_mysql_root_password MySQL root password (MySQL is used for the MSL-API database)
epos_msl_mslapi_db_password MSL-API database password
epos_msl_fast_api_token FastAPI token for MSL-API
epos_msl_mta_role Type of MTA: use mailpit for local setup; postfix for production
epos_msl_postfix_relayhost_fqdn Postfix relay mail server name
epos_msl_postfix_relayhost_port Postfix: TCP port of mail server to use
epos_msl_postfix_relayhost_username Postfix: username on relay mail server (if authentication enabled)
epos_msl_postfix_relayhost_password Postfix: password on relay mail server (if authentication enabled)
epos_msl_postfix_relayhost_auth_enabled Postfix: enable authentication (yes/no, default: yes)
epos_msl_postfix_relayhost_tls_enabled Postfix: whether to use TLS (yes/no, default: yes)
epos_msl_postfix_myhostname Postfix: own server name to send in EHLO/HELO messages
epos_msl_postfix_origin Postfix: origin domain
epos_msl_mail_from_address Sender address to use for mail messages
epos_msl_cert_mode Currently supported modes: selfsigned or static
epos_msl_static_cert TLS certificate for reverse proxy (if static mode is selected)
epos_msl_static_cert_key TLS certificate key for rev proxy (if static mode is selected)
epos_msl_admin_account_data MSL-API admin accounts, in CSV format (name;email;password hash)


This project is licensed under the GPL-v3 license. The full license can be found in LICENSE.