Thread safe database layer. This layer works with the Core Data. You create entities in the Data model (* .xcdatamodel) and SafeCoreData will work with them: create, fetch, change, delete
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift
compiler. It is in early development, but Alamofire does support its use on supported platforms.
Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Alamofire as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies
value of your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.1.0"))
targets: [
.target(name: "<YourPackageManager>", dependencies: ["SafeCoreData"]),
You need to create a *.xcdatamodel file
- Select File -> New -> File...
- Select "Data Module"
After that you need to create an NSManagedObject in the *.xcdatamodel
Sometimes it is necessary to reload Xcode so that the created NSManagedObject xcode can see
import SafeCoreData
let databaseName = "<your *.xcdatamodel name>"
let safeCoreData = try? SafeCoreData(databaseName: databaseName, bundle: .main)
It is possible to create a SafeConfiguration with different settings
let databaseName = "<your *.xcdatamodel name>"
let configuration = SafeCoreData.DataBase.Configuration(modelName: databaseName, bundleType: .bundle(.main))
.pathDirectory(.cachesDirectory) // FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.cachesDirectory is for temporary storage
/* OR
let configuration = SafeConfiguration.DataBase(
modelName: databaseName,
bundleType: .bundle(.main),
persistentType: .sqlLite,
modelVersion: 7,
printTypes: [.pathCoreData(prefix: "Database path: ")]
let safeCoreData = try? SafeCoreData(database: configuration)
The SafeCoreData.Service.Data type is returned for all operations. Calling deinit from this structure all data in the NSManagedObject will be erased.
All operations are performed in a private context and when SafeCoreData.Service.Data deinit is called, the private context is also destroyed and the results that are bound to it are also deleted.
When did you get data it is recommended NSManagedObject to map into another type to save the data
.createObject(withTyp: UserEntity.self, updateProperties: { newObject in = "Anna"
newObject.age = Int16(29)
newObject.personalQualities = "Versatile"
}, success: { object in
// Entity created and saved
}, failure: { error in
// Something went wrong
let names = ["Anna", "Jack", "Harry"]
.createListOfObjects(type: UserEntity.self, list: names, updateProperties: { item, newObject in = item
}, success: { object in
// Entity created and saved
}, failure: { error in
// Something went wrong
// Fetch all result
.fetch(withType: UserEntity.self, success: { object in
// Results
}, failure: { error in
// Something went wrong
// Fetch filter result
.filter(NSPredicate(format: "age == \(Int16(29))"))
.sort([NSSortDescriptor(key: "age", ascending: true)])
.fetch(withType: UserEntity.self, success: { object in
// Results
}, failure: { error in
// Something went wrong
.fetch(withType: UserEntity.self, success: { result in
let firstObject = result.value?.first
firstObject?.personalQualities = "Initiative"
// Synchronous save
// Or asynchronous save
firstObject?.saveСhangesAsync(sucsess: {
// Changes saved
}, fail: { error in
// Something went wrong
// Removes all results
.remove(withType: UserEntity.self, success: { object in
// Found results deleted
}, failure: { error in
// Something went wrong
// Removes results by filter
.filter(NSPredicate(format: "age == \(Int16(29))"))
.remove(withType: UserEntity.self, success: { object in
// Found results deleted
}, failure: { error in
// Something went wrong
.fetch(withType: UserEntity.self, success: { result in
let firstObject = result.value?.first
// Synchronous deletion
// Or asynchronous deletion
firstObject?.deleteAsync(sucsess: {
// Entity deleted successfully
}, fail: { error in
// Something went wrong
The SafeCoreData.Service.Data type is returned for all operations. Calling deinit from this structure all data in the NSManagedObject will be erased.
All operations are performed in a private context and when SafeCoreData.Service.Data deinit is called, the private context is also destroyed and the results that are bound to it are also deleted.
When did you get data it is recommended NSManagedObject to map into another type to save the data
let result = try await safeCoreData
.createObject(withType: UserEntity.self, updateProperties: { newObject in = "Anna"
newObject.age = Int16(29)
newObject.personalQualities = "Versatile"
let createdObject = result.value
let names = ["Anna", "Jack", "Harry"]
let createdResult = try? await safeCoreData
.createListOfObjects(withType: UserEntity.self, list: names, updateProperties: { item, newObject in = item
let createdObjects = createdResult.value
// Fetch all results
let fetchAllResult = try? await safeCoreData
.fetch(withType: UserEntity.self)
let fetchAllObjects = fetchAllResult.value
// Fetch filter results
let fetchResult = try? await safeCoreData
.filter(NSPredicate(format: "age == \(Int16(29))"))
.fetch(withType: UserEntity.self)
let fetchObjects = fetchResult.value
let fetchResult = try? await safeCoreData
.fetch(withType: UserEntity.self)
let firstObject = fetchResult.value?.first
firstObject?.personalQualities = "Initiative"
// Synchronous save
// Or asynchronous save
await firstObject?.saveСhanges()
// Removes all results
let removeAllResult = try? await safeCoreData
.remove(withType: UserEntity.self)
let removeAllIds = removeAllResult.value
// Removes results by filter
let removeResult = try? await safeCoreData
.filter(NSPredicate(format: "age == \(Int16(29))"))
.remove(withType: UserEntity.self)
let removeIds = removeResult.value
let fetchResult = try? await safeCoreData
.fetch(withType: UserEntity.self)
let firstObject = fetchResult.value?.first
// Synchronous deletion
// Or asynchronous deletion
await firstObject?.delete()
The SafeCoreData.Service.Data type is returned for all operations. Calling deinit from this structure all data in the NSManagedObject will be erased.
All operations are performed in a private context and when SafeCoreData.Service.Data deinit is called, the private context is also destroyed and the results that are bound to it are also deleted.
When did you get data it is recommended NSManagedObject to map into another type to save the data
let createFuture = safeCoreData
.createObjectFuture(withType: UserEntity.self, updateProperties: { newObject in = "Anna"
newObject.age = Int16(29)
newObject.personalQualities = "Versatile"
.sink { _ in
// Completion
} receiveValue: { result in
// Entity created and saved
.store(in: &cancellable)
let names = ["Anna", "Jack", "Harry"]
.createListOfObjectsFuture(withType: UserEntity.self, list: names, updateProperties: { item, newObject in = item
.sink { _ in
// Completion
} receiveValue: { result in
// Entity created and saved
.store(in: &cancellable)
.fetchFuture(withType: UserEntity.self)
.sink { _ in
// Completion
} receiveValue: { fetchResult in
// Results
.store(in: &cancellable)
.fetchFuture(withType: UserEntity.self)
.flatMap { fetchResult in
let firstObject = $0.value.first
firstObject?.personalQualities = "Initiative"
// Save object
return firstObject?.saveСhangesFeature() ?? Empty().eraseToAnyPublisher()
.sink { _ in
// Completion
} receiveValue: { fetchResult in
// The first object is successfully deleted
.store(in: &cancellable)
// Removes all results
.removeFuture(withType: UserEntity.self)
.sink { _ in
// completion
} receiveValue: { removeIds in
// Found results deleted
.store(in: &cancellable)
// Removes results by filter
.filter(NSPredicate(format: "age == \(Int16(29))"))
.removeFuture(withType: UserEntity.self)
.sink { _ in
// Completion
} receiveValue: { removeIds in
// Found results deleted
.store(in: &cancellable)
.fetchFuture(withType: UserEntity.self)
.flatMap {
// Remove object
$0.value.first?.deleteFeature() ?? Empty().eraseToAnyPublisher()
.sink { _ in
// Completion
} receiveValue: { _ in
// The first object is successfully deleted
.store(in: &cancellable)