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05. Pushing changes to Github

alawvt edited this page Nov 13, 2019 · 4 revisions

Push small changes to vt_6_x_dev

For small changes (such as changes to the messages.xml file) made on the vt_6_x_dev branch, you can push to the GitHub repo with one command:

git push

For larger changes, such as when you have created a new branch, you will need to issue a pull request so that another team member can review your code before accepting the code into the repository.

Create pull requests for larger changes / branches / new features

After you create and test a feature branch locally, do not merge it into your local vt_6_x_dev branch.
(Once it is pulled into VTUL/vtechworks/vt_6_x_dev, you will pull it down from VTUL/vtechworks.)

Push the feature branch to VTUL/vtechworks

git push --set-upstream origin branchname

--set-upstream is necessary if this branch does not already exist in VTUL/vtechworks.

Replace branchname with the branch, for example

git push --set-upstream origin enable_imagemagick_filters

Issue a pull request

Next, go to the VTUL/vtechworks main page and issue a pull request. See pull request instructions. Be sure to choose the correct branch range and destination repository in the drop down lists. Choose

branch: vt_6_x_dev ... compare: branchname

For example

branch: vt_6_x_dev ... compare: enable_imagemagick_filters

Add a message, @ mention the team member you would like to review your code, and click the "Create pull request" button. This will send a note to the group about your feature branch.

Pull Request format used in Digital Libraries Development group

  • What does this Pull Request do?
  • What are the changes?
  • How should this be tested?
  • Additional Notes
  • Interested parties

Note: You may push the branch and send a pull request before the feature is complete. This will allow team members to give you feedback on the feature. Please be clear about the status of the feature branch in any pull requests.

Accept a pull request

If you are the reviewing team member who has been mentioned, you will be responsible for accepting the pull request.

If your feature branch was merged into vt_6_x_dev in VTUL/vtechworks, delete your local branch

git branch -d (branchname)