Welcome to the Learn React repository! This project documents my journey of learning React from the basics, covering key concepts, tools, and practical implementations. It is structured into episodes, with each episode focusing on specific aspects of React development. This README serves as a guide to understand the purpose of this repository.
This repository contains:
- Episode-wise documentation: Each episode focuses on a distinct React concept, starting from the basics and progressively covering more advanced topics.
- Source Code: All code examples provided in the episodes are included in their respective files.
- Learning Objectives: Clearly defined goals for each episode to guide learners.
Each episode dives into specific topics, offering code examples and explanations. For detailed information on individual episodes, please refer to their respective documentation:
- Episode 1: Hello World in React
- Episode 2: Why React is Fast
- Episode 3: Dive Deep into JSX & Babel
- Episode 4: Dive Deep into Props
- Episode 5: File Structure, Import/Export, and Pushing to GitHub
- Episode 6: Dive Deep into
Hook - Episode 7: React Virtual DOM, React Fiber & Reconciliation, and Diff Algorithm
- Episode 8: Dive Deep into
Hook - Episode 9: Conditional Rendering & Shimmer UI (Skeleton) in React
- Episode 10: React-Router-Dom & Outlet Component
- Episode 11: Dynamic Routing in React
- Episode 12: Dive Deep into Class-Based
- Episode 13: React Life Cycle Methods & componentDidMount
- Episode 14: componentDidUpdate & componentWillUnmount
- Episode 15: What is Cleanup in React ?
- Episode 16: Custom Hooks, Suspense, Lazy Loading
- Episode 17: Configure Tailwind CSS in React with Parcel
- Episode 18: Higher Order Component (HOC)
- Episode 19: Lifting State Up & Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components
- Episode 20: Props Drilling & Context API in React
- Episode 21: Redux Toolkit for State Management
- Episode 22: useRef, useMemo Hooks in React.js
- Episode 23: Form Handling & Validation with ZOD in React
This repository is perfect for:
- Beginners looking to understand the basics of React.
- Developers wanting to explore React concepts step-by-step.
- Learners who prefer hands-on examples to theoretical explanations.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for new topics, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use the code and examples as you like.
Happy Learning React! 🎉