A simple C program that retrieves and displays the current weather information for a specified city using the OpenWeatherMap API.
- Shows current temperature, feels-like temperature, minimum and maximum temperatures, pressure, and humidity.
- Displays the general weather condition and wind speed.
- Shows sunrise and sunset times (adjusted for local timezone) and the country code.
- C Compiler (e.g., GCC)
- libcurl for making HTTP requests
- cJSON library for parsing JSON responses
- Enter the name of the city for which you want to check the weather.\
Enter the city name: Delhi
Welcome to the Weather Checker!
This program shows you the current weather in any city.
Temperature: 20.05 °C
It feels like: 20.41 °C
Minimum Tempreature: 20.05 °C
Maximum Tempreature: 20.05 °C
Pressure: 1014 mBar
Humidity: 88 %
Weather Condition: mist
Wind Speed: 2.57 kph
Sunrise: 06:41:40
Sunset: 17:29:05
Country Code: IN
To use this program, replace "e6d43eafcf69f246c6180b997c652ea7" with your own OpenWeatherMap API key.
Feel free to reach out or contribute to this project! Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome.