A Proof of Concept for hiding instructions inside multi-byte NOP instructions.
It works by splitting up each line of your custom assembly, inserting them into the "wasted" bytes of the NOP instructions, and jumping between them using the 2 byte JMP rel8
Basically Jump-Oriented Programming (JOP), but with the fun of NOP.
The source assembly cannot have a single instruction that surpasses 3 bytes, which is both a pain and really fun to program around.
This works really well for demotivating reverse engineers, but is in no way an advanced form of obfuscation.
python3 ./nopfuscator.py
If the assembling takes a long time, try running as root. Pwntool's asm()
is special like that.
pwndbg> disass main+500, main+700
Dump of assembler code from 0x55555555532f to 0x5555555553f7:
0x000055555555532f <main+500>: nop edi
0x0000555555555332 <main+503>: data16 nop WORD PTR [rcx+0x20692df2]
0x000055555555533b <main+512>: data16 nop WORD PTR [rdi]
0x0000555555555340 <main+517>: data16 nop dx
0x0000555555555345 <main+522>: nop WORD PTR [rbp+0x1c73eb58]
0x000055555555534d <main+530>: nop DWORD PTR [rbx+rdi*8-0x1ee48473]
0x0000555555555355 <main+538>: nop sp
0x0000555555555359 <main+542>: nop DWORD PTR [rsi]
0x000055555555535c <main+545>: data16 nop WORD PTR [rcx-0x67bb780a]
0x0000555555555365 <main+554>: nop DWORD PTR [rcx]
0x0000555555555368 <main+557>: data16 nop WORD PTR [rip+0xffffffff8b5592ac]
0x0000555555555371 <main+566>: nop WORD PTR [rsi-0x7110f5ba]
0x0000555555555379 <main+574>: nop WORD PTR [rip+0xffffffffe9369d8c]
0x0000555555555381 <main+582>: nop DWORD PTR [rbx+rsi*1-0x7b]
0x0000555555555386 <main+587>: nop DWORD PTR [rcx+0x7cb21f3d]
0x000055555555538d <main+594>: nop dx
0x0000555555555391 <main+598>: nop DWORD PTR [rsi-0x79fd4e4e]
0x0000555555555398 <main+605>: data16 nop ax
0x000055555555539d <main+610>: data16 nop WORD PTR [rdi]
0x00005555555553a2 <main+615>: nop DWORD PTR [rcx]
0x00005555555553a5 <main+618>: data16 nop WORD PTR [rax]
0x00005555555553aa <main+623>: data16 nop cx
0x00005555555553af <main+628>: nop WORD PTR [rcx]
0x00005555555553b3 <main+632>: nop DWORD PTR [rip+0x3f62e2f5] # 0x555594b836af
0x00005555555553ba <main+639>: data16 nop WORD PTR [rax+rcx*2+0x7aebc601]
0x00005555555553c4 <main+649>: nop edx
0x00005555555553c7 <main+652>: data16 nop dx
0x00005555555553cc <main+657>: data16 nop bp
0x00005555555553d1 <main+662>: nop DWORD PTR [rcx-0x3b026203]
0x00005555555553d8 <main+669>: nop WORD PTR [rdi-0x9e000ff]
0x00005555555553e0 <main+677>: nop DWORD PTR [rbx]
0x00005555555553e3 <main+680>: nop DWORD PTR [rdi-0x3dc04327]
0x00005555555553ea <main+687>: nop si
0x00005555555553ee <main+691>: nop edi
0x00005555555553f1 <main+694>: nop DWORD PTR [rdx-0x2ead4337]