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SRL - Structured RegExp Language

This is a simple language which compiles into a "Regular Expression". The language is inspired by the post of u/johnngnky on Reddit.

I don't follow the post from him but the way I created the syntax is inspired by his post and I got the idea to make this from him.

The project is in an very early state and is not mend to be used in an actual application.


Data Types

SRL has a few data types you should know before starting to work with SRL.

Name Usage Description
Number $5 A number is idecated by a $
String "Foo" A string is contained inside two "
Constant !digit A constant is indecated by a !


Constants are pre defined patterns that can be reused.

Name Usage RegExp Description
Any char !any . Any single character
Any whitespace !whitespace \s Any whitespace character
Any non-whitespace !!whitespace \S Any non-whitespace character
Any digit !digit \d Any digit
Any non-digit !!digit \D Any non-digit
Any word character !word \w Any word character
Any non-word character !!word \W Any non-word character
Any unicode sequence !unicode \X Any Unicode sequence, linebreaks included
Match data unit !dataunit \C Match one data unit
Unicode newline !uninl \R Unicode newlines
Anything but newline !!newline \N Match anything but a newline
Vertical whitespace !vwhitespace \v Vertical whitespace character
Negative vertical whitespace !!vwhitespace \V Negation of \v
Horizontal whitespace !hwhitespace \h Horizontal whitespace character
Negative horizontal whitespace !!hwhitespace \H Negation of \h
Reset Match !reset \K Reset match
Control character Y !ycontrol \cY Control Character Y
Backspace !backspace [\b] Backspace character
Newline !newline \n Newline
Carriage return !carriage \r Carriage return
Tab !tab \t Tab
Null character !null \0 Null charachter


Anchors allows you to jump to certain points.

Name Usage RegExp Descriptions
Start match STAT MATCH \G Start of match
Start input* START INPUT ^ / \A Start of input
End input* END INPUT $ / \Z End of input
Absolute end input ABSOLUTE END INPUT \z Absolute end of input
word boundary WORD BOUNDARY \b A word boundary
boundary BOUNDARY \B Non-word boundary

* ^ and $ match the start and end of a line if Multiline is enabled


Groups are much like normal groups in regex and can be used as such.
There are some different ways how we can use groups.

Name Usage RegExp Description
Capture enclosed [...] (...) Capture everything enclosed
Atomic capture ATMOIC [...] (?>...) Atmoic group (non-capturing)
Named group NAME "Foo" FOR [...] (?<Foo>) Named capturing group
Define group * DEFINE "Foo" FOR [...] Defines a group for later use
Positive lookahead POSITIVE LOOKAHEAD [...] (?=...) Positive lookahead
Negative lookahead NEGATIVE LOOKAHEAD [...] (?!...) Negative lookahead
Positive lookbehind POSITIVE LOOKBEHIND [...] (?<=...) Positive lookbehind
Negative lookbehind NEGATIVE LOOKBEHIND [...] (?<!...) Negative lookbehind
If branching IF ([LITERAL ("foo")]) THEN [LITERAL ("Bar")] ELSE [LITERAL ("barFoo")] (((?=foo)fooBar)|(barFoo)) Allows to go through different regex branches

* Is not supported by the Emacs RegExp Engine, but its implemented via SRL


Quantifiers are used to define how often the last element should be repeated.

Name Usage RegExp Description
Optional LITERAL ("a") OPTIONAL a? 0 or 1 of a
Zero or More* LITERAL ("a") MANY a* 0 or more of a
One or More LITERAL ("a") MANY1 a+ 1 or more of a
Exact LITERAL ("a") EXACT ($3) a{3} Exactly 3 of a
More than LITERAL ("a") MORE ($3) a{3,} 3 or more of a
Less than *** LITERAL ("a") LESS ($3) a{0,3} 3 or less of a
Between LITERAL ("a") BETWEEN ($3 $6) a{3,6} Between 3 and 6 of a
Greedy** LITERAL ("a") GREEDY a* Greedy quantifier
Lazy LITERAL ("a") LAZY a*? Lazy quantifier
Possessive LITERAL ("a") POSSESSIVE a*+ Possessive quantifier

* Is replaceable with GREEDY
** Is replaceable with MANY
*** Is not supported by the Emacs RegExp Engine, but its implemented via SRL


Instructions are used to define your patterns.

Name Usage RegExp Description
From FROM ("123") [123] Single char of
Except EXCEPT ("123") [^123] Any other char than
Literal LITERAL ("a") a Whole string matches
Or LITERAL ("a") OR LTIERAL ("b") a|b a or b
Subroutine * SUBROUTINE("test") Matches a predefined group

* Custom implementation, this feature is not a part of the default regex engine for ecmascript


Flags are used to set the modes in the RegExp parser

Name Usage Description
Global GLOBAL Does not stop after first match
Multiline MULTILINE ^ and $ match the start and end of the line
Case insensitive CASE INSENSITIVE Matches capital letters and non-captial letters as the same
Single line SINGLE LINE Reads whole input as one line
Unicode UNICODE Strings will be treated as UTF-16
STICKY STICKY Forces pattern to anchor at start of the search or the last match

* Also called "Ignore Whitespace"