Ansible master repository with different useful roles
Ansible master repository that contains a collection of different useful roles that can be leveraged in the automation of various tasks
- Create a to-do list
- Certbot renewal in crontab in Saturnus host
- DHCP server installer
- ansible_python_interpreter variable support
- Backup and cleaning parameters adjustment
- Changes in encryption system
- Some parts of the Passport system that are no longer needed
- Pause for user confirmation on VPN module
- Some errors in Mars host configuration
- End play condition
- Let's Encrypt SSL config file for Apache
- VPN installer
- Better list printing
- Better installation order
- Directories existence in Certbot module
- Some fine-tunning on Eros
- Transfer of powers Eros ➡ Ozono
- Updated updater role
- Warnings armonization
- Netdata upgrader for lecagy systems
- Mars server
- Nagios Apache template type
Pluto serverUranus server
- Better port searching method
- certbot command fine tuning
- Changes in some Saturnus websites
- Connections to servers in the "VPSs" group switched to VPN route
- Crontab updates
- Eros host update and some dos2unix conversions
- Files format
- More directories existance checks in fstab.yml
- Updated Ozono submodule
- Updated Rayo submodule
- Various improvements
- VPN connection in SSHFS mounts
- Wrong Carpo host mailer password
- Wrong Uranus host mailer password
- Wrong Xana host mailer password
- .ovh.ini file copy
- Boreal host
- Submodules for K8s-YAMLs repo
- Sorry, that one is a private repo
- More security checks in packages finders:
- distro_packages_finder.yml
- python_packages_finder.yml
- Submodule URL
- Bad description in snap.yml
- File naming consistency:
- distro_packages_finder.yml ➡ packages_finder_distro.yml
- python_packages_finder.yml ➡ packages_finder_python.yml
- New version
- IP filter for K8s IPs
- Ozono host
- Some cosmetic changes
- Support for 'systemd-timesyncd'
- Some more packages
- Internal hosts no longer need a jump host
- Boreal
- Carpo
- Heracles
- Nike
- Perseo
- Xana
- More adjusts for Perseo
- Some firewall rules adjusting
- Some packages adjusting in Perseo
- These tasks sould not be executed when we are in check mode
- Iuppiter host
- Wrong security in some sites in Saturnus host
- Support for domains with 'www'
- More required packages in Satunus host
- More consistent formatting in
- Error in Apache virtual sites template
- Wrong tags in certbot tasks
- Python packages finder
- certbot configurer
- KDE installler optimization
- More domains in Saturnus host
- ansible_check_mode check required
- Some hosts IP changes
- Some domains in Saturnus host
- More packages to install in Saturnus host
- Apache tasks needs Apache tags
- dos2unix conversion
- Saturnus host SSH key
- Some cosmetic changes
- Pseudo-automatic SSH key generator
- Unnecessary Rayo host SSH key file
- CIFS and SSHFS mounts cleanup
- Better SSH keys management for SSHFS fstab mounts
- IPv6 support is temporarily disabled
- Saturnus host
- Some Iuppiter host missconfigurations
- Changed some storage servers
- Useless packages existence checking
- This task has to be executed even in check mode
- There is no need to hide this task
- Support for snap packages
- New HTTP host type
- Apache template change
- More active modules in Apache
- Bad authentication configuration for Xana host
- Some old hosts
- Rayo host does not need Apache as it uses a K8s version
- Partially reverted some improvements previously made
- One more time, yes, I know
- New sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 keys for some existent hosts
- Nike host
- Still experimental
- Partially reverted some improvements previously made
- No gathering facts in deploy_authorized_keys.yml playbook file
- Deployer for authorized_keys file in native Ansible format
- Executable permissions for deploy_authorized_keys.yml playbook file
- New sk-ssh-ed25519 key for an existent host
- New sk-ssh-ed25519 key for another existent host
- New sk-ssh-ed25519 key for the last intended existent host
- Rayo host
- Various improvements
- Deployer for authorized_keys file in bash format
- Scripts for Passport system
- DDNS various errors
- Compatibility with 'www.' apache sites
- Smarter reverse proxifying
- SSL reverse proxifying
- Some Ultra sites need the new 'www' configuration
- Some Xana sites need the new 'www' configuration
- Some Ultra sites need extra configuration
- Some Xana sites need extra configuration
- Obsolete configuration
- More services in Xana server
- Services order in Eros server
- Obsolete configuration
- Xana server connectivity issues
- formatting
- New key for GitHub deployments
- Xana server reverse proxy configuration
- Xana server website configuration
- Zelo client streaming password
- Tique client streaming password
- Deployer for authorized_keys file with parameters
- wrong public key file
- Old servers (Neptuno, Tellus and Uranus)
- Unnecesary apache mods
- Deployer for authorized_keys file
- RSA SSH keys changed to ed25519 keys
- Some Apache configuration issues
- Network reconfiguration
- Codacy badge
- Various errors
- New server (Carpo)
- New connection method for SSH-mounted devices
- Windows servers excluded from Linux playbooks
- Apache sites template variable names
- New IP range in local network
- btop package for some hosts
- Debian and 32-bit Raspbian seems to be incompatible
- Various optimizations
- New configuration for enigma2 proxifying
- Configuration for redirections
- New connection method
- New server (Xana)
- Missing key files for server are intentional, see next commit
- Now, keys can be generated with Ansible (and a little of help)
- Rescue block if SSH keys are not generated
- Change in public keys format
- host_id var was suppressed
- New server (Tellus)
- Python installer
- Apache2 configurer
- Some strings quotation
- /root/.ssh directory could not exist
- Dynamic DNS configuration separated from script
- Dynamic DNS change
- Host IP change
- Timezone configuration
- Some weather MOTD location corrections
- Temporary (or permanent, maybe) dynamic DNS name changes
- Eros is a server now
- More dynamic DNS hosts
- New server
- Duplicated entry in Changelog section in
- User and password variables for Dynamic DNS are now group variables
- Loop index var in Dynamic DNS template
- MOTD var iteration
- Template support for MOTD
- New server
- Crontab entry for Uranus
- confirm_facilities role compatibility tags
- installer role now calls confirm_facilities role
- Error if ~/.bash_aliases doesn't exist
- New server
- An ansible-incompatible server from inventory
- confirm_facilities role created based in other repo script
- confirm_facilities.yml playbook
- confirm_facilities.yml executable permissions
- Updater role
- Internally host accessing when available
- installer role created based in other repo script
- installer.yml playbook
- installer.yml executable permissions
- updater role created from other repo content
- updater.yml playbook
- updater.yml executable permissions
- secrets.tgz.gpg encrypted secrets container
- inventory folder
- file formatting
- .gitignore file
- file
- To the official Ansible documentation, for obvious reasons