That is an example for a prototype of what I have in mind:
- Lightweight 40MB Java Spring application that can be started with a simple java -jar .jar
- You can install it in whatever container you want as long as a JRE is there
- Full support of Spring dependency injection for clean IoC
- Offers an REST API on 80 and 443 through an embedded Jetty (we could simply extend it for the usage of websockets int he future) instead of this (!&&! not documented netty
- It contains an embedded database. While files are nice, SQL is really mighty and reduces the boiler plate code a lot
- Database is automatically intialized from JSON files (no need to initialize every demo from scratch)
- Entities are written in a way that they can be easily written to the DB or serialized / deserialized to JSON, i.e. no need for conversaion during the prototype phase
- The Open API documentation is automatically generated from the Jersey Endpoints, i.e. code as documentation and you can generate what ever client you want for the rest endpoint
- Can be used as templates for all of the services (in a single repository of course, but this will ensure a clean separation)
Coding effort: 2h