Fork of https://github.com/VictorGil/cadence_transfers_recording_service which does not use the "account-balances" Kafka topic
Example/PoC of how to use Uber Cadence in order to implement event-driven microservices, together with Apache Kafka.
transfers_websockets_service Public
Example/PoC of how to extend the event-driven paradigm all the way to the end user's Web browser using WebSockets.
kafka_util Public
Utility library which provides generic classes to get data from Kafka.
transfers_frontend Public
Angular application which communicates through WebSockets with the Java backend.
Backend part of the PubNub demo application which gets live tweets from the Twitter Streaming API and publishes them using the PubNub Java client library
transfers-service Public
Simple and reliable REST service for money transfers between accounts.
transfers_recording_service Public
Example of how use Kafka in order to implement event-driven microservices.
transfers_api Public
Example of entities and Avro classes to be sent and persisted in Kafka
account_balance_workflow_api Public
This repository contains the workflow API of an example/PoC of how to use Uber Cadence in order to implement event-driven microservices, together with Apache Kafka.
Angular application which receives tweets through PubNub and displays them in real time.
tutorials Public
Forked from eugenp/tutorialsThe "REST With Spring" Course:
Java MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2019 -
mylocation-frontend Public
Angular application which receives location data asynchronously (push) and displays it
mylocation-backend Public
Reactive Java application based on Vert.x which receives location data from Android and publish it to Angular
mylocation-android Public
Android application which sends location data to myLocation backend
vertx-utility-extensions Public
Small Java library to avoid boilerplate code when starting a new Vert.x instance
Java microservice based on Vert.x which provides a location previously saved in a local file by mylocation-last_known_location-persistence microservice
Java microservice based on Vert.x which saves the provided location data to a local file in binary protobuffers format.
avenger-bot Public
simple-vertx-example-01 Public
Simple example of vert.x (https://vertx.io) usage.
social-ledger Public
Implementation of new Proof of Social Network Identity consensus algorithm based on EthereumJ
It is used by https://github.com/VictorGil/social-ledger in order to validate a block of transactions using the Twitter public Web API
shared-ledger-simulator Public
It simulates a shared/distributed ledger (a.k.a. block chain) network of nodes (full nodes/miners and thin clients) to better understand how this type of protocols work (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc)
paystats-client Public
Client for https://www.bbvaapimarket.com/products/paystats HTTP API
phoneVerifier Public
Complete (working) code to verify the phone number of an Android app user through SMS
bank-statements-checker Public
Java app to check the statements in your bank account