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A recipe management website.

Development setup

To setup the development of the project there are some things that are necessary to be setup.


For the frontend the following steps are necessary:

  1. Install the node dependencies in the frontend/ folder (e.g. whilst inside of the frontend/ folder run yarn or equivalent command).
  2. Be aware that there is a .env.development file in the frontend/ folder, however it should work out of the box on any linux based system.
  3. In the project root folder, run docker compose up.


The backend is not included into the docker compose to simplify developing the backend without having to restart everything else.
The steps to setup the backend is as follows (all of these assume that you are inside of the backend/ folder):

  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env, an explaination of all the fields in this file can be found below.
  2. Create a whitelist.json (path can be determined by the whitelist environment variable), this file describes which emails are allowed for oauth2 login, see below for the schema for this file.
  3. Either setup oauth2 login using one of the supported providers (github/facebook/microsoft/google) or set the auth_enabled environment variable to false.
  4. Run the main method in backend/cmd/vrecipes/main.go.


In the root folder there is also a Makefile with the following commands:

  • mock (also the default): inserts mock values into the database.
  • clear-db: clean is an alias for this. Clears the database (completely!) will require migrations to be re-run (i.e. restarting the backend).
  • clean: Alias for clear-db.
  • new-migration mig_name_arg=*insert-migration-name*: creates a new migration with the specified name.
  • run-migrations: runs all migrations.
  • reset: Perform clean, run-migrations, mock in that order.


To update the schema for the database you need access to the migrations.

  1. go get ""
  2. Then run make new-migration mig_name_arg=*insert-migration-name*

Environment variables

The environment variables that can / have to be specified for the project. Note that for the moment ALL variables must exist / be non-empty to start the project.


  • NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL: Url to the backend seen from the server-side nextjs docker container, default is http://host.docker.internal:5000/api which (together with the docker-compose) specifies the host machine on port 5000 where the backend should exist in development. In production this should be set to the domain the website is hosted on.


  • db_user (string): Username for the database.
  • db_password (string): Password for the database.
  • db_name (string): Name of the database.
  • db_host (string): Host address for the database.
  • reset_db (boolean): Whether to clear the database on startup or not.
  • image_folder (string): Path to where uploaded images should be stored.
  • whitelist (string): Path to the whitelist.json file (explained below).
  • secret (string): Secret used to encrypt session cookies with.
  • GIN_MODE (string): The mode for the Gin framework, see github.
  • PORT (integer): The port to host the backend on.
  • auth_enabled (boolean): When set to true, bypasses oauth2 and sets the user to a test user.

Oauth2 variables

Here follows environment variables related to the currently supported oauth2 providers. The following 3 are exists for all of them where they are prefixed with the name of the provider (i.e. github, google, facebook or microsoft).

  • _client_id: The client id, retrieved when setting up the oauth2 service.
  • _secret: The secret, retrieved when setting up the oauth2 service.
  • redirect_uri: The uri to redirect to with the response from the provider (should be frontend base url/api/auth/provider name/callback).

A part from these some providers require extra fields as specified here:

  • github_user_endpoint: The endpoint from where to retrieve github user information.
  • github_user_email_endpoint: The endpoint from where to retrieve github user email address information.
  • facebook_me_uri: The uri to retrieve user information from the facebook api.
  • microsoft_me_uri: THe uri to retrieve user information from the microsoft api.


The whitelist file specifies who can login through the oauth2 endpoints, note that this specifies emails and that an email is valid for any of the providers. The format for the file should be:

  "whitelisted_emails": [