- Austin, Texas, United States
- 6h behind - https://vignesh0404.github.io/
✅ CODAR is a framework built using PyTorch to analyze post (Text+Media) and predict cyber bullying and offensive content.
Assignment Repository for Batch 1 students
Web Development training kit for newbies
Contains miscellaneous C++98 programs to help understand various aspects of programming and nuances of programming
🎮 Connect Four (also known as 4-in-a-row) is an exciting two-player puzzle connection game recreated with PyGame and Python.
A 2D game made using the discontinued Borland Turbo C++ compiler during my class 12th
Inspired by Thanos - Marvel Super Villan. Randomly Deletes half of your files (Decimation on your files)
A Nintendo inspired lightweight, No BS responsive single-page portfolio website built with HTML and CSS 👾
🍿 Organising and bulk renaming media library made easy with Python and IMDb (Essential for XBMCs, Plex etc.)
A website for designers and developers to find and share resources to build apps and sites between NGOs.