You I will Explain all the steps one-on-one from scratch on how to create the simple addition operation with Django on the webpage at port - default Django port
2. Next, I need to create my virtual environment to install Django, because I don't want my entire machine to install on it.
3. cmd: mkvirtualenv test after you created your environment you can go to your directory and check whether it is created or not under your Cdrive:

5. If you have already created the virtual environment before you can simply type cmd: C:\Users\lenovo>workon test
6. So, from onwards it uses a test virtual environment to run all your commands. Now, install Django in your virtualenv test cmd: pip install django
8. cmd: django-admin startproject sidtronic -- Here I'm giving my project name as sidtronic, go to your dir and check for your project file created or not.

Inside your project file there will be file where your main server runs on this. and also there are other files:

12. Now open Visual Studio code, If not install please refer: -- for both windows & linux

14. Now I'm creating the app name called demoapp -- Note: It's an app, not the project, app we will use for to combine all the modules as the framework under the project.
15. To create demoapp run the command in a command prompt -- python startapp demoapp -- Note: It should run on test environment otherwise it occurs error. after creating you can check in your visual studio code of folder with name -demoapp

-- here file will be there from demoapp, but not from your project file -- If you want you can create by create file --
-- It's very important beacuse the web server with runs from this as it works like the admin, whatever logic you implemented on the urls path should be added to this. # Note you should create additional paths on the main project file, not in the demoapp -- if you create url in demoapp the server will show you as default.
This we will have DTL (Dashboard template language) -- where you can see different installed apps, and settings configurations for the web application.

2. I need to add my template folder where I do my HTML code workings -- for that I need to create folder with name templates in vs code. after that type command in -- under TEMPLATES [

Here under home.html we extend the base.html with jinja {% extends 'base.html' %} -- as in base.html we will have our docHTML frontend view operation.