ResultifyCore is a .NET library providing Result
, Option
, Outcome
, OneOf
and Guard
patterns to simplify error handling, optional values, and type discrimination. It includes extension methods for fluent API support and enhanced readability.
You can install the ResultifyCore package via NuGet:
dotnet add package ResultifyCore
Or you can use the NuGet Package Manager:
Install-Package ResultifyCore
You can install the ResultifyCore.AspNetCore package via NuGet:
dotnet add package ResultifyCore.AspNetCore
Or you can use the NuGet Package Manager:
Install-Package ResultifyCore.AspNetCore
The Result
pattern represents the outcome of an operation that can either succeed or fail. It allows for better error handling and makes the flow of success or failure explicit.
using ResultifyCore;
var successResult = Result<int>.Success(42); // A successful result containing the value 42
var failureResult = Result<int>.Failure(new Exception("Something went wrong")); // A failed result containing an exception
You can create successful and failure results more easily using these extension methods.
using ResultifyCore;
var result = "Success!".Success(); // Create a successful result with a value
Console.WriteLine(result.IsSuccess); // Outputs: True
Console.WriteLine(result.Value); // Outputs: Success!
// If an exception is passed, an InvalidOperationException will be thrown
var resultWithException = new Exception("Test Exception").Success();
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // Outputs: Cannot use an Exception as a value.
using ResultifyCore;
var failureResult = new Exception("Failure reason").Failure<string>(); // Create a failure result containing an exception
Console.WriteLine(failureResult.IsSuccess); // Outputs: False
Console.WriteLine(failureResult.Exception.Message); // Outputs: Failure reason
// If the exception is null, an ArgumentNullException will be thrown
Exception exception = null;
var resultWithNullException = exception.Failure<string>();
catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // Outputs: Exception cannot be null.
Method chaining allows you to perform multiple operations on the result, including transforming it, checking success or failure, or applying side-effects:
var successResult = 42.Success();
.Do(res => Console.WriteLine("Executing common action")) // Executes regardless of the result state
.Tap(value => Console.WriteLine($"Tap into value: {value}")) // Executes a side-effect
.Map(value => value * 2) // Transforms the value
.OnSuccess(value => Console.WriteLine($"Transformed value: {value}")); // Executes if result is successful
For a failed result, the same chaining pattern applies:
var failureResult = new Exception("Something went wrong").Failure<int>();
.Do(res => Console.WriteLine("Executing common action"))
.Tap(value => Console.WriteLine($"Tap into value: {value}"))
.Map(value => value * 2)
.OnSuccess(value => Console.WriteLine($"Transformed value: {value}"));
The Option
pattern represents an optional value that may or may not be present. It allows you to avoid null
references and explicitly handle the absence of values.
using ResultifyCore;
var someOption = Option<int>.Some(42); // Option containing a value
var noneOption = Option<int>.None; // Option with no value
var optionResult = 42.Some();
var matchOptionResult = someOption.Match<string>(
onSome: value => "Value is present",
onNone: () => "No value"
Console.WriteLine(matchOptionResult); // Outputs: Value is present
The OneOf
pattern allows you to encapsulate multiple possible types for a single value. This is useful for cases where a value can belong to one of several types.
using ResultifyCore;
OneOf<int, string> numberOrString = new OneOf<int, string>("Hello");
# Accessing Values
if (numberOrString.IsT1)
Console.WriteLine($"Value is of type T1: {numberOrString.AsT1}");
else if (numberOrString.IsT2)
Console.WriteLine($"Value is of type T2: {numberOrString.AsT2}");
# Match Method
var matchResult = numberOrString.Match(
matchT1: number => $"Number: {number}",
matchT2: text => $"String: {text}"
Console.WriteLine(matchResult); // Outputs: String: Hello
The Outcome
pattern provides an alternative to exceptions for managing errors and failures, offering a clean, functional approach to success and failure scenarios.
var optionResult = 42.SuccessOutcome();
public static Outcome ValidateInput(string input)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
return Outcome.Failure(new OutcomeError("VALIDATION_ERROR", "Input cannot be null or whitespace."));
return Outcome.Success();
public static Outcome<int> ParseNumber(string input)
if (int.TryParse(input, out var number))
return Outcome<int>.Success(number);
return Outcome<int>.Failure(new OutcomeError("PARSE_ERROR", "Invalid number format."));
var result = ParseNumber("abc");
onSuccess: value => Console.WriteLine($"Parsed number: {value}"),
onFailure: errors => Console.WriteLine($"Failed to parse number: {string.Join(", ", errors)}")
The Guard pattern helps enforce preconditions in your code by validating arguments. It ensures your methods receive valid input and fail early with meaningful exceptions when they don't.
public class Calculator
public static int Divide(int dividend, int divisor)
// Validate arguments using Guard
Guard.ThrowIfArgumentIsNegative(dividend, nameof(dividend));
Guard.ThrowIfArgumentIsNegativeOrZero(divisor, nameof(divisor));
return dividend / divisor;
ResultifyCore provides several extension methods to facilitate fluent API and method chaining.
: Executes an action regardless of the result state.OnSuccess
: Executes an action if the result is successful.OnError
: Executes an action if the result is failed.Map
: Transforms the value inside a successful result.Bind
: Chains multiple operations that return results.Tap
: Executes a side-effect action without altering the result.
: Executes an action regardless of whether the option has a value.OnSome
: Executes an action if the option has a value.OnNone
: Executes an action if the option does not have a value.Map
: Transforms the value inside an option.Bind
: Chains multiple operations that return options.Tap
: Executes a side-effect action without altering the option.
The following extension methods convert Outcome
and Result
objects to IActionResult
in ASP.NET Core:
public static IActionResult ToActionResult<T>(this Outcome<T> result, ControllerBase controller, string? url = null)
public static IActionResult ToActionResult(this Outcome result, ControllerBase controller)
public static IActionResult ToActionResult<T>(this Result<T> result, ControllerBase controller, string? url = null)
public static IActionResult ToActionResult(this Result result, ControllerBase controller)
The following extension methods convert Outcome
and Result
objects to IResult
in ASP.NET Core:
public static IResult ToResult<T>(this Outcome<T> result, string? url = null)
public static IResult ToResult(this Outcome result)
public static IResult ToResult<T>(this Result<T> result, string? url = null)
public static IResult ToResult(this Result result)
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.