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Repository files navigation parsing

This program does the following:

  1. Imports the necessary modules: requests to send HTTP requests, urljoin from urllib.parse to join URLs, BeautifulSoup to parse HTML, time to delay execution, csv to write data to a CSV file, os to work with the operating system, and dotenv to load settings from an .env file.

  2. Loads settings from the .env file using the load_dotenv() function.

  3. Sets the value of the last_page variable to 91. This is the number of pages to be processed.

  4. Sets the base URL and creates an empty firms_data list to store firm data.

  5. Gets proxy server credentials from environment variables.

  6. Specifies proxy server settings, including host, port, and credentials.

  7. Creates a requests.Session() session, sets the session parameters, including the proxy server and disables SSL certificate verification.

  8. Disable warnings about insecure requests with requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings().

  9. Creates a global variable counter to keep track of the number of firms processed.

  10. Starts a loop that will iterate through the pages until the last_page variable is reached.

  11. Generates the URL of the current page and sends a GET request to get the page's HTML using requests.get().

  12. Delays execution by 5 seconds so that the page has time to load.

  13. Uses BeautifulSoup to parse HTML code and extract company links.

  14. Creates a loop that will iterate over references to firms.

  15. Loads the company page using session.get() and delays execution by 5 seconds to load the page.

  16. Uses BeautifulSoup to extract business data such as name, description, website, and LinkedIn link.

  17. Adds company data to the firms_data list.

  18. Displays progress information.

  19. Increases the value of the counter counter.

  20. Checks the exit condition of the loop.

  21. Opens dealroom_data.csv file to record results in CSV format.

  22. Creates a csv.DictWriter object to write data to a CSV file.

  23. Writes the header (column names) using the writer.writeheader() method.

  24. Writes each firm's data to a CSV file using a for loop.

  25. Closes the file.


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