An example of Robonomics agent dealing with "foreign" payment token. Specifically Streamr's DATACoin in this case.
To get familiar with Streamr project have a look at the docs.
The agent waits for a new liability contract. At the moment it receives one the parameters (see below) are read and the publishing is begun.
For a simplicity the agent publishes random numbers but it's not a problem to turn it into something more useful.
A user specifies how long he/she desires to receive the data in seconds and the agent creates a thread and performs the task.
The user pays in proportion to the amount of time.
Note! The stream ID must be created on a user side
In the end of the task the whole history is stored in the result message which could be read via the link sent by email.
- the amount of time in seconds/stream_id
- Stream ID/email
- email of the user
NixOS way:
nix bulid -f release.nix
source result/setup.bash (zsh)
ROS common way:
mkdir -p ws/src && cd ws/src
git clone && cd ..
source devel/setup.bash (zsh)
roslaunch streamr_agent agent.launch login:="<GMAIL_LOGIN>" email_password:="<GMAIL_APP_PASSWORD>" auth_token:="<STREAMR_API_TOKEN>"
There is the robonomics/
file for testing purpose only. Have a look at the content to figure out how it works
There is a Dapp for the project. Check it out!