This is yet another react component development boilerplate to help you get started quickly in the year 2018.
- Pack Library UMD style with webpack.
- Create Docs on the go and publish on github.
- Run a dev server with hot reloading.
- Compile SCSS with PostCSS, Autoprefixer and CSSNano.
- Hot Reloading of React Component.
Clone or download this repo. Make sure to remove any git ref by deleting .git
directory. Now from terminal run
npm install
npm start
This will open http://localhost:7770
on your browser where you can see it live.
Now edit your components from src/js
and styles from src/scss
and watch it
reload hot.
Edit the files inside src/docs
as necessary, and when done run
npm run docs
This will build the docs in the docs
directory. Push to github and host with
github pages.
Just simply run
npm run build
And your compiled files will be under dist
. Now push to github or publish to