A custom Discord bot which manages several server affairs for the Wake Tech Programming Club such as the ability to create polls, generate coding questions from binarysearch.com, allowing members to award points to others for helpful contributions and showing the point leadership board, as well as ability to track programming projects.
Name | Description |
/ping |
Confirms bot is up and running |
/server |
Responds with current server member count |
/question easy |
Returns question from binary search with easy difficulty |
/question medium |
Returns question from binary search with medium difficulty |
/question hard |
Returns question from binary search with hard difficulty |
/question harder |
Returns question from binary search with harder difficulty |
/leaderboard |
Shows top five server contributors |
/meeting |
Sets up a custom meeting using required fields date, time, topic, and description |
/poll |
Set up a custom poll with either yes/no options or any number of poll choices |
/project |
Add, edit, and remove offical club projects |
Server suggestions: allow users to request server changes via a bot command.
Club meeting topic request: users will be able to add suggested club meeting topics and would have the ability to remove/edit their reponses.
The latest version of the bot now uses PostgreSQL as it has been migrated to Heroku. The older version which used SQLite has been archived in the folder "sqlite_archived". While still fully functional, the archived version is no longer being maintained. Installation instructions for the SQLite version can be found in its own folder's README.
Requires the following to be pre-installed:
node.js 16+, PostgreSQL Server
- Create the database and tables:
postgres > \c YOUR_DATABASE_NAME
postgres > CREATE TABLE users (id serial PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(100), points BIGINT DEFAULT 5);
postgres > CREATE TABLE projects (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), contact VARCHAR(100), description VARCHAR(1250));
Rename .env.example to .env and fill out the variables as shown.
Install the bot:
$ npm install
$ node deploy-commands.js
$ node bot.js