Walley Checkout iOS SDK for native app integration.
- Script element attributes to set padding between checkout and frame and a containerID.
- Endpoints changed to new walleypay endpoints.
- Swift 5.5
- iOS 10 or later
Walley Checkout SDK for iOS uses Swift Package Manager. To add the SDK as a dependency, add the following lines to Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/WalleyPay/WalleySDK-iOS.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))
Walley Checkout provides a native UIView or UIViewController containing the Walley Checkout UI.
First of all you will need access to our environments. Contact Walley Merchant Services to acquire the following access credentials:
- Username
- Shared Access key
- Store Id
For testing and staging purposes, Walley Merchant Services will setup an account in the UAT environment where you can test your implementation before moving to production.
The credentials (username, shared access key and store ID) will differ between the environments.
There are two environments:
- Production (All purchases are real and real money will be involved in transactions)
- Test (No real money will be involved in transactions)
To set environment you set the static environment
property on WalleyCheckout
WalleyCheckout.environment = .test
WalleyCheckout SDK provides a WalleyCheckoutView
and a WalleyCheckoutController
. Which one to use depends on your usecase.
Create the view controller
let vc = WalleyCheckoutController()
Load checkout using your generated token and present the view controller:
vc.loadCheckout(publicToken: "<Your token>")
present(vc, animated: true)
In order to support Swedish BankID, Swish and Vipps, the app's Info.plist
must contain LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
with the following values: