Using the cloudshell:
- Get your Google cloud project ID
gcloud config get-value project
- Clone the App
git clone <repoName>
- Create a cluster
gcloud container clusters create-auto yolo --region us-central1
- Deploy to GKE
Two objects . Deployment and Service
- Create manifest directory
mkdir manifest
- Add directories to objects
deployments , services, Configmap, Secrets, StatefulSets
- Create a cluster
gcloud container clusters create-auto yolo-app --region us-central1 kubectl get nodes
- Deploy the resource to the cluster (Example)
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml kubectl get deployments kubectl get pods
- Create service
kubectl apply -f service.yaml kubectl get services
- Create manifest directory
Make sure that you have the following installed:
cd client
npm install
npm start
cd ../backend
npm install
npm start