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Config File

Publik edited this page Apr 10, 2020 · 2 revisions

The scripts in this repo rely on the config.yml file inside the repo to build, run, and aggregate sims. Based on what is in this file the scripts will behave differently, which allows you to dynamically add things to sim.

Config key walkthrough

key name description
builds defines the talent combinations you want to sim
builds.x.composite sets the specific talents to use during composite sims
builds.x.dungeons sets the specific talents to use during dungeon sims
sims map of sim folders you want to configure, if its not in this list you cant sim it
sims.x.builds indicates whether this folder of sims should use the talent builds defined above
sims.x.steps this indicates to the aggregation script how to group profiles for the json charts
sims.x.files list of files that house sim data, this allows you to cleanly break up sim files to sim
sims.x.lookupType indicates how to lookup the id. Options are: item or spell. Items are looked up in the sim files, spells are lookup in in the file.
compositeWeights define the weights to use for composite sims, matches var names in internal/
singleTargetWeights define the weights to use for ST sims, matches var names in internal/
simcBuild build to use when submitting the sim to raidbots
defaultIterations default iterations for sims to run, must be compatible with raidbots
raidbots.apiUrlBase api url for raidbots
raidbots.numOfRetries indicates how many times to retry if raidbots gives us a 5xx error
raidbots.retryInterval how long to poll for sim data from raidbots
analyze.markdown boolean of if the analyze script creates markdown files for output
analyze.csv boolean of if the analyze script creates csv files for output
analyze.json boolean of if the analyze script creates json files for output in use for the json charts
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