This MakeCode Arcade extension is the first in a series of Good-Better-Best extensions that I have recently built. From each implementation, I discovered a better way so I built a better one. And so goes all programming in my experience.
Circle Ext Good includes Blocks for two categories: Circle and CircleList. I am not proud of this implementation but it works and satisfied the criteria; thus, it is worthy of being called Good -- with Better and Best to come.
This extension enables a MakeCode Arcade Block program to easily create circles of varying size and color. Blocks are provided to manipulate the created circles. Each circle has a unique sprite that is available as a property so that all features of sprites can be used. However, since circles are created in JavaScript as a class, arrays are not available. Thus the CircleList was born, which offers all the desired functionally of arrays.
This repository can be added as an extension in MakeCode.
- open
- click on New Project
- click on Extensions under the gearwheel menu
- search for the URL of this repository and import
To edit this repository in MakeCode.
- open
- click on Import then click on Import URL
- paste the repository URL and click import
- for PXT/arcade
- for PXT/arcade (The metadata above is needed for package search.)