Website along with the PostgreSQL database. The HomePage of the website is 3D. The position of the globe changes based on the scroll position of the user. People can open our website and can register themselves with the help of their username. After logging in, the person browse through all the available vaccination centers and can also see the available slotes. They can filter by pin code for where they want to get vaccinated. The database will contain all the required details of the person and their present vaccination status. After each vaccination, they can download their vaccination certificates also.
- HomePage
- Vaccine Details
- Ease of use and accessibility
With news, in late 2020, that vaccination against COVID-19 may be up to 95% effective, we had entered a new chapter in our fight against the disease. Restrictions on movement and social contacts can recede as vaccine-acquired immunity reduces susceptibility to infection and transmission. A key determinant of this is the speed at which the population can be vaccinated. To facilitate rapid dissemination, many countries have considered mass vaccination centers. Ideally located in large spaces – conference venues or sporting arenas – these sites can immunize hundreds or possibly thousands of individuals each day.
- Keeping track of COVID vaccinated people.
- Keeping track of the availability of vaccines.
- Data availability.
- Data integrity.
- Data security.
- Data independence.
The website is developed by using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. Different static and dynamic pages are developed for users as well as the admin. The main focus is on usage, readability, accessibility, ease of use, and clarity. We have also focused on adding new cool and unique features.
We have used the Django framework to perform CRUD operations for insertion, deletion, updation, and scanning of data from the database.
Proper path have been set up to display the appropriate data on the front-end using POST/GET requests. We will also use Data Visualization tools in future.
The website is also deployed onto the Heroku server through which people all over the world can access our website and use it.
Vaccine Registration System
- Django
- Python
- Pillow (Python Imaging Library)
- Three.js (3D library for Frontend)
- Reportlab (For generating PDF certificates for user)
- Aditya Goel
- Sanskar Chandra