1.0.0 (2024-10-27)
Dependency updates
deps: add ditto wot model dependency (c72e01f )
deps: include slf4j logging (511a356 )
Bug Fixes
correct url resolution (5ac6a7f )
correctly handle updates and creations of ditto elements (b37e81f )
Build and continuous integration
configure ci for building and release (5c3c039 )
delete check on forks (91d8857 )
migrate from maven to gradle (2d243e1 )
set new action to release (deb2774 )
set the main class (8ea307c )
General maintenance
add bulk relationship deletion (ee56f02 )
add Dockerfile (07e6b53 )
add gitattributes (c567d2d )
add license (582cf7a )
align ontology to domain tags (8338a64 )
align tm model with domain tag (1d1531e )
delete unnecessary files (022b46e )
delete unused config file (dce8e47 )
delete unused test resources and source (8576b65 )
include ditto configurations and dt version in service config (98c9e71 )
merge pull request #1 from Web-of-Digital-Twins/build/gradle-migration (c1712b9 )
merge pull request #2 from Web-of-Digital-Twins/feat/base-alignment-dtd-1.0.0 (03cf1ce )
remove unnecessary imports (f84307c )
update DTD terminology (7bf3c79 )
update gitignore (6ad8552 )
update gitignore (a9fc22e )
pass all the configurations via environmental variables, and centralize its management (455482e )
rename rdf property (583c758 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.