Port of the open-location-code library (also known as plus codes) for identifying geo areas.
This ports commit a6eb95b.
normal usage:
import openlocationcode;
double lat = 54;
double lon = 4;
// get geo coordinates from plus code string
OpenLocationCode plusCode = OpenLocationCode.fromString("8FVC2222+22GCCCC");
// -> OpenLocationCodeArea(47.0001, 8.00006, 47.0001, 8.00006, 15)
// get plus code string from geo coordinates
OpenLocationCode generatedPlusCode = OpenLocationCode.encode(lat, lon);
// -> 9F662222+22
nothrow @nogc
import openlocationcode;
double lat = 54;
double lon = 4;
// get geo coordinates from plus code string
string input = "8FVC2222+22GCCCC";
// make sure to only use uppercase characters in your input!
if (!input.isValidUppercaseCode)
return error;
OpenLocationCode plusCode = OpenLocationCode.fromTrustedString(input);
if (!plusCode.isFull)
return error;
OpenLocationCodeArea area = plusCode.decodeTrustedFull();
printf("area around %f, %f\n", area.centerLatitude, area.centerLongitude);
// -> area around 47.000062, 8.000063
// get plus code string from geo coordinates
ubyte[maxOLCLength] buffer;
scope ubyte[] generatedPlusCodeString = OpenLocationCode.encode(buffer, lat, lon);
printf("%.*s\n", generatedPlusCodeString.length, &generatedPlusCodeString[0]);
// -> 9F662222+22