Releases: WhaleConnect/whaleconnect
These notes are also available on the changelog.
All executables are unsigned, so you may see warnings from your operating system if you run them.
- Removed the L2CAP protocol selection on Windows, where it is unsupported.
- Updated the Links window to have clickable links instead of copyable text.
These notes are also available on the changelog.
All executables are unsigned, so you may see warnings from your operating system if you run them.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an occasional crash occurring on macOS when a client connection with pending I/O was closed.
- Fixed an infinite connection loop in TLS clients if the server disconnected without sending data.
- Fixed a crash on macOS when using Bluetooth features.
- Updated the minimum version of macOS to 13.3.
These notes are also available on the changelog.
All executables are unsigned, so you may see warnings from your operating system if you run them.
This project was rebranded to WhaleConnect in this release.
- Improved thread safety on Windows.
- Prevented a scrollbar from occasionally showing in the "New Connection > Internet Protocol" tab.
- Prevented the last digit in the timestamp display from getting clipped.
- Prevented receive and accept operations from continuing after an error.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash occurring when there is an error during server creation.
These notes are also available on the changelog.
All executables are unsigned, so you may see warnings from your operating system if you run them.
- Added file-based configuration to allow changing settings at runtime.
- Added a settings editor window.
- Added a "Bluetooth UUIDs" setting to add/remove UUIDs in SDP queries.
- Added a "Quit" option under the "File" menu item.
- Added a "Help" menu item with build information.
- Added the ability to use system menu bars on macOS.
- Added dynamic scrolling speed when selecting text.
- The text will scroll faster as the cursor moves farther from the window boundary.
- Added a permanent horizontal scrollbar in connection windows to prevent flickering while scrolling.
- Updated the timestamps display in connection windows to reduce the number of computations per application frame.
- Updated error reporting to be in terms of location in source files.
- Updated the receive buffer length input to not take effect when the user is making modifications.
- Updated the initialization of worker threads to better reflect hardware concurrency.
- The number of worker threads created is 1 less than the specified number to account for the main application thread which now also runs an I/O event loop.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash in connection windows if text was highlighted and the output was cleared.
- Fixed the placement of notification close buttons when the notifications window has a vertical scrollbar.
Initial release of Network Socket Terminal.
This release supports Windows 10/11 and Linux with kernel version 5.19 or higher. At least 256 MB of free memory is recommended.