- Formatted dates (YYYY-MM-DD format).
- Formatted time (from 12-hour to 24-hour format).
- Missing values for the no. of hospitals and beds have been replaced by the mean values.
- Missing age values have been replaced by mode.
- Age ranges have been replaced by the mean of the lower bound and upper bound.
- After decimal part has been ignored for ages (some ages were in decimal).
- In StatewiseTestingDetails.csv, positive_cases + negative_cases = total_samples, so if one of the two values is missing (i.e. pos. or neg.) it is substituted by performing substraction from total samples but if both are missing then 0 is assigned.
- Finally there are columns in dataset where more than 80-90% of the values is missing, these columns have been simply ignored.
- Load csv file into dataframe using pandas.
- Reload the database by hitting the required endpoint (check urls.py).
- Perform transformations.
- It will create each object (row by row) and then save it in the database.
- Databse used is SQLite (because of small application).
Django, Django-REST-Framework, Pandas, Numpy, Git
SQLite, Postgresql
Windows(my PC)