A Highly skilled and relts-driven full-stack developer with a proven track record of 4 years in designing and delivering robust web applications., specialist in React and Nextjs, Proficient in React.js and Next.js, I specialize in creating scalable and performant server-side rendered applications that optimize user experiences. With expertise in Express.js, I seamlessly develop efficient APIs that seamlessly integrate with front-end frameworks. Deeply committed to software development principles, agile methodologies, and best practices, I consistently exceed client expectations by delivering high-quality solutions. A collaborative team player, I thrive in dynamic environments, leveraging my strong communication and problem-solving skills to foster innovation. Passionate about staying at the forefront of emerging technologies, I continuously enhance my knowledge to drive exceptional results and create cutting-edge user experiences.
🔭 I’m currently working for Mabet
🌱 I’m interested in Glang
💬 Ask me about Typescript , React and Nextjs
📫 How to reach me xv.neer.business@gamil.com