Codeigniter 3.1.3 with XHMVC
What is XHMVC:
XHMVC is ready-to-go, you only need to extract to any directory under a document root of your choice.
Needed: Apache (mod_rewrite enabled for a ready-to-go functionality) + PHP (5.3).
- Extract all files under your web workspace (as configured in your Xampp/Wampp), extract, for example, as 'codeigniter-3-xhmvc' in your htdocs directory.
- Browse demo as: http://localhost/codeigniter-3-xhmvc/apps/base/www
- Under apps/base/modules/welcome you will see all HMVC possibilities.
- Also, you can load a core/common/module ... http://localhost/codeigniter-3-xhmvc/apps/base/www/home
- This Home module isn't in apps/base, but is under common/modules folder for all apps.
Install with composer:
Create a directory in your htdocs path, ex: c:/xampp/htdocs/codeigniter-3-xhmvc Edit a new composer.json:
{ "require": { "xmadmax/codeigniter-3-xhmvc": "@dev" } }
Use: composer install
Browse to http://localhost/codeigniter-3-xhmvc/vendor/xmadmax/codeigniter-3-xhmvc/apps/base/www