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Pop cat sing a song

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Frontend repository - link

Backend repository - current



  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Axios
  • React Bootstrap


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • JWT & BCrypt Authentication
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize ORM

Database architecture



Method Path Purpose auth
GET '/' Test if your server is running no
POST '/echo' Test POST requests no
POST '/signup' Create a new user and get a token no
POST '/login' Get a token with email & password no
GET '/me' Get information of this user yes
GET '/cats' Get all cats no
GET '/instruments' Get all instruments no
GET '/songs' Get all songs no
GET '/songs/me' Get my songs yes
GET '/favourites' Get user's favourite songs yes
POST '/song' Create a new song yes
PUT '/like/:userId/:postId' Increase like counter for the post yes
PUT '/favourite/:userId/:postId' Increase fav counter for the post yes
DELETE '/like/:userId/:postId' Decrease like counter for the post yes
DELETE '/favourite/:userId/:postId' Decrease fav counter for the post yes
PATCH '/song/:postId' Change name or/and description of your post yes
DELETE '/song/:postId' Delete your post yes

Run in development mode

Server starts on PORT=4000

  1. start server
npm run start
  1. start server with nodemon in development mode
npm run dev
  1. start server with delay on response
npm run devdelay