Note: This repository is deprecated. The development of Yarn🧶 has completely halted for the forseeable future.
A Multipurpose Discord Bot Written with Mongoose and Discord.js v13.
This bot was created by Aspekts#4616
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] First things first, we need to create the application that'll be used to make the bot.
Head to this site and then click on create application.
It should look like this, or something similar. Afterwards, head to the bot section. You should see something like this:
After this, go ahead and click on add bot. Congratulations! You have finally made yourself a bot! But thats not it! Copy your token from the bot like so:
Keep this safe, and never share it with anyone! This token will be useful later! After you've gotten your token, scroll down a bit and turn on prescence and server member intents. This will be useful for serverinfo commands
Now we can get into the coding part! Grab your token from before and paste it into the token part of botConfig.js While you're here you can also choose your prefix for your bot.
Now you have done this, congrats! Your bot is completely setup and ready to use! But we need to get the bot online! This moves on to the next step:
For beginners I would recommend using, the free online IDE service. You can run the bot and host it using uptime robot for free, 24/7. To do this first, click on the button below to get this code into your own repl
Alternatively, new people can also use Glitch, in which you can use this link to deploy this code to Glitch.
However, if you are more experienced, you can use heroku. You can deploy to heroku using the link below.
The best practice however, would be to use a Virtual Private Server. Therefore from your VPS you can clone the repository, and contribute using the following command, for linux distros:
# cloning the repository
$ git clone
# go into the repository
$ cd Yarn
# Install dependencies
$ npm i
# Run the Bot
$ npm start