There are other IDE's that have caught my eye like PHPStorm and Sublime. PHPStorm was too expensive and mostly used for backend and I've used sublime before so I prefer to try something new. In the end I have decided to go with Visual Studio because I have read that it's mostly used by Frontend Devs, something that I aspire to do in the future.
It seems impressive to me with its modern UI, a wide availability of extensions, as well as great features such as built-in Git and terminal.
It also seems that it's one of the easiest tools to use. Easy tools for simple code will be the motto to go by. 😏
“Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.” (Brian Kernigan)
Lets look at the next list of pros, cons and a small summary with their own sublists.
- Lightweight
- There is some controversy about this part
- Easy to use
- Strong community
- Free / Open source
- Git integrated
- Unit testing
- Loads of features
- Labourous installion
- Slow launch time
- Uses a lot of memory eventhough it's lightweight (remains to be seen)
A concise representation of a few key pros and cons.
Open source | Start up slower |
Strong Community | Labourous installation |
Features | Lightweight? |
- Research IDE's
- Compare
- Write documentation
- Install
- Get to know
function VisualStudio() {
console.log("Start to Code!");