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feat(tests)#: Fix up unit test project and add a smattering of new te…
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…sts for quantization.
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BlueCyro committed Feb 6, 2025
1 parent 2311644 commit bbc79b1
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Showing 4 changed files with 218 additions and 42 deletions.
205 changes: 165 additions & 40 deletions Spz.NET.Tests/QuantizationTests.cs
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System.Numerics;
using Spz.NET.Helpers;

namespace Spz.NET.Tests;

Expand All @@ -20,18 +21,32 @@ public static float RandomFloat(float min = 0f, float max = 1f)
return min + (max - min) * Random.Shared.NextSingle();

static float ToDegrees(float radians) => radians * (180f / MathF.PI);
static float ToRadians(float degrees) => degrees * (MathF.PI / 180f);
static Quaternion FromEuler(float p, float y, float r) => Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(ToRadians(y), ToRadians(p), ToRadians(r));
static float Angle(Quaternion a, Quaternion b)
Quaternion relativeRotation = a * Quaternion.Inverse(b);

return 2*MathF.Asin(relativeRotation.AsVector4().AsVector3().Length());
static Quaternion RandomRotation() => Quaternion.Normalize(new Quaternion(RandomFloat(-1f, 1f), RandomFloat(-1f, 1f), RandomFloat(-1f, 1f), RandomFloat(-1f, 1f)));

public void TestFloatToFixed12bit()
public void FloatToFixedTest()
int fractionalBits = 12;
int floatTestLength = 1024;
float acceptableError = 0.001f;

float fixedMin = Fixed24.MinValue(fractionalBits);
float fixedMax = Fixed24.MaxValue(fractionalBits);

for (int i = 0; i < floatTestLength; i++)
// Test a thousand times just to be sure. (Is there a better way to do this?)
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
float original = RandomFloat(fixedMin, fixedMax);
Fixed24 fixed24 = original.ToFixed(fractionalBits);
Expand All @@ -45,16 +60,17 @@ public void TestFloatToFixed12bit()

public void TestVector3ToFixed12bit()
public void Vector3ToFixedTest()
int fractionalBits = 12;
int floatTestLength = 1024;
float acceptableError = 0.001f;

float fixedMin = Fixed24.MinValue(fractionalBits);
float fixedMax = Fixed24.MaxValue(fractionalBits);

for (int i = 0; i < floatTestLength; i++)
// Test a thousand times just to be sure. (Is there a better way to do this?)
int count = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Vector3 original = new(RandomFloat(fixedMin, fixedMax), RandomFloat(fixedMin, fixedMax), RandomFloat(fixedMin, fixedMax));
FixedVector3 fixed24 = original.ToFixed(fractionalBits);
Expand All @@ -68,40 +84,149 @@ public void TestVector3ToFixed12bit()

public void TestGaussianPacking()
public void QuaternionQuantizationTest()
int fractionalBits = 12;
// int floatTestLength = 1024;
// float acceptableError = 0.001f;

Gaussian original = new(
new(0.43915567f, 0.779961f, -6.8418803f),
new(-4.338518f, -4.4524884f, -6.8418803f),
new(0.7715423f, 0.779961f, 0.07984782f, 0.24494846f),
new(0.6694145f, 0.7451919f, 0.5009876f),
new(-0.005022233f, -0.007789358f, -0.0065335752f),
new(0.004808277f, -0.0059882556f, -0.0033241967f),
new(0.0069579175f, -0.011957922f, -0.015888745f),
new(0.015009115f, 0.01645963f, 0.013645758f),
new(0.010789621f, 0.013812945f, 0.01335298f),
new(-0.005126005f, -0.010236794f, -0.0073701525f),
new(0.032350097f, 0.030966925f, 0.023583187f),
new(-0.011732013f, -0.007408888f, -0.0032132515f),
new(-0.013759245f, -0.012922256f, -0.012700858f),
new(-0.011898138f, -0.014157681f, -0.012344559f),
new(0.021750072f, 0.025049489f, 0.025463518f),
new(0.020837674f, 0.01876398f, 0.013896407f),
new(0.03668385f, 0.038249563f, 0.027695632f),
new(-0.01862f, -0.018838165f, -0.008320158f),
new(0.028240616f, 0.026292708f, 0.020100184f),
new(0f, 0f, 0f)

PackedGaussian packed = original.Pack(fractionalBits);

Gaussian suspect = packed.Unpack(fractionalBits);
float acceptableError = 18f; // 8 bits isn't a lot of precision, so hefty margins are required.

// Test a thousand times just to be sure. (Is there a better way to do this?)
int count = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Quaternion original = RandomRotation();
QuantizedQuat quantized = original;
Quaternion suspect = quantized;
float angle = ToDegrees(Angle(original, suspect));

bool withinError = angle < acceptableError;

Assert.IsTrue(withinError, $"Suspect was not within an acceptable error of {acceptableError}. Original: {original}, Suspect: {suspect}, Error: {angle}");

public void ScaleQuantizationTest()
float acceptableError = 0.06f;

// Count up in very small increments to test the error.
int count = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Vector3 original = new((float)i / count, (float)i / count, (float)i / count);
QuantizedScale quantized = original;
Vector3 suspect = quantized;

Vector3 error = original - suspect;

float maxError = MathF.Max(MathF.Max(error.X, error.Y), error.Z);

bool withinError = Approximately(original, suspect, acceptableError);

// Console.WriteLine($"Suspect: {suspect}, Original: {original}, Error: {original.Length() - suspect.Length()}");

Assert.IsTrue(withinError, $"Suspect was not within an acceptable error of {acceptableError}. Original: {original}, Suspect: {suspect}, Error: {maxError}");

public void ColorQuantizationTest()
float acceptableError = 0.1f;

// Count up in very small increments to test the error.
int count = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// Quantized colors can go up to 3.333 repeating for when spherical harmonics bring the colors back down to SDR.
Vector3 original = new Vector3((float)i / count, (float)i / count, (float)i / count) * (3f + 1f / 3f);
QuantizedColor quantized = original;
Vector3 suspect = quantized;

Vector3 error = original - suspect;

float maxError = MathF.Max(MathF.Max(error.X, error.Y), error.Z);

bool withinError = Approximately(original, suspect, acceptableError);

// Console.WriteLine($"Suspect: {suspect}, Original: {original}, Error: {original.Length() - suspect.Length()}");

Assert.IsTrue(withinError, $"Suspect was not within an acceptable error of {acceptableError}. Original: {original}, Suspect: {suspect}, Error: {maxError}");

public void AlphaQuantizationTest()
// Alpha is quantized with sigmoid activation, so the upper regions can be up to ~0.65f off.
float acceptableError = 0.65f; // TODO: Make corresponding sigmoid function to test errors at smaller ranges?

// Test a thousand times just to be sure. (Is there a better way to do this?)
int count = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
float original = ((float)i / count) * 12f - 6f;
QuantizedAlpha quantized = original;
float suspect = quantized;

float error = original - suspect;

bool withinError = Approximately(original, suspect, acceptableError);

// Console.WriteLine($"Suspect: {suspect}, Original: {original}, Error: {original - suspect}");

Assert.IsTrue(withinError, $"Suspect was not within an acceptable error of {acceptableError}. Original: {original}, Suspect: {suspect}, Error: {error}");

public void HarmonicQuantizationTest()
float acceptableError5bit = 0.036f; // First 9 components of a harmonic are encoded 5 bits for -1 to 1.
float acceptableErrorRest = 0.066f; // Rest of the components are encoded 4 bits for -1 to 1, so a slightler bigger error is acceptable.

Span<byte> quantized = stackalloc byte[45];

// Test a thousand times just to be sure. (Is there a better way to do this?)
int count = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
GaussianHarmonics original = new();
int j = 45;
while (j-- > 0)
original[j] = ((float)i / count) * 2f + -1f;


quantized.Unquantize(out GaussianHarmonics suspect);

float maxError5bit = 0f;
for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)
float error = original[j] - suspect[j];
maxError5bit = MathF.Max(maxError5bit, MathF.Abs(error));

float maxErrorRest = 0f;
for (j = 9; j < 45; j++)
float error = original[j] - suspect[j];
maxErrorRest = MathF.Max(maxErrorRest, MathF.Abs(error));

if (maxError5bit > acceptableError5bit)
Assert.Fail($"Suspect was not within an acceptable error of {acceptableError5bit}. Original: {original}, Suspect: {suspect}, Error: {maxError5bit}");

if (maxErrorRest > acceptableErrorRest)
Assert.Fail($"Suspect was not within an acceptable error of {acceptableErrorRest}. Original: {original}, Suspect: {suspect}, Error: {maxErrorRest}");
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
55 changes: 53 additions & 2 deletions Spz.NET/Storage/Gaussians/Structs/GaussianHarmonics.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Spz.NET;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,6 +437,59 @@ private static ref float GetFirst(in GaussianHarmonics harmonics)

public override string ToString()
return $"""

public static bool operator ==(in GaussianHarmonics left, in GaussianHarmonics right) => left.Equals(right);

public static bool operator !=(in GaussianHarmonics left, in GaussianHarmonics right) => !(left == right);
Expand Down

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