A project I did in my senior year of high school. A website that manages all the roles that the logistics warehouse staff in my neighborhood scouts (which I was its manager that year) does. The website manages the staff shifts, equipment orders from users, updating equipment stocks and so on...
The code is written in C#, ASP.NET, CSS, JavaScript, HTML and using SQL tables managment.
To open the website properly: Save the directory called 'orgadproj' at your desktop. Open Visual-Studio. Click File->Open->Website->select ClientSide. Click File->Add->Existing Website->select ServerSide.Click Build->Rebuild solution. Make sure you refersh the db.msb tables. Go to the Home page at the client site and run it.
To enter the website as admin: Go to 'Login'. Enter username: yhely100 and password: 1234 and Job: Mahsan.
To enter the website as user: Go to 'Login'. Enter username: yhely and password: 111 and Job: Madrich.