RecipeManager is a web-based application for managing food recipes. It allows users to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on a SQL Server database, making it easy to organize and search for recipes.
- Add Recipes: Users can create new recipes with details like name, description, cooking time, and category.
- View Recipes: Browse through all recipes stored in the database.
- Update Recipes: Modify existing recipe details.
- Delete Recipes: Remove recipes no longer needed.
- Search Functionality: Search for recipes by name.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS (Static templates).
- Backend: Flask (Python Framework).
- Database: Microsoft SQL Server.
├── static/ # Static files (CSS, JS, images)
├── templates/ # HTML templates for rendering
├── # Main Flask application
├── requirements.txt # Dependencies for the project
├── # Project documentation
Clone this repository:
git clone
Update the database connection in
to match your environment and make sure to Rename it to.env
├── .env.example
- Change DB_SERVER to match you server's name or use "." to use local server(MSQL Developer Edition)
- Change DB_NAME and insure it's created.